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hope100love a gagné pour la dernière fois le 29 mars 2022

hope100love a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

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  • Hardware
    5600X + RTX 2080
    DIY SDVX Controller

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  1. gsync. both my monitor is LG, one 32inch qhd and one 27inch fhd.
  2. 저는 DP이나 HDMI 문제 아니라고 생각합니다. 저의 경우에서는 모니터 하나 dp이고 1 hdmi이라서요. 혹시 그카 어떤 제품입니까? AMD 이나면 NDVIA? 저는 모니터가 144인데 120으로 했어요. 144이면 게임할때 가끔 늘러진 느낌 있어요. f12이면 144인데 보기가 그렇게 144이나다. 그래서 가능하면 그냥 120으로 해보세요
  3. I do play in window mode. Mine setup is dual screen 144hz, 1 FHD and 1 QHD. Don't play in fullscreen. I also have had that problem.
  4. If you using valrkyrie mode and have 2 monitor, it'll automatically run with secondary monitor. That problem may cause because some file in module folder (just maybe). Because i have that problem with 211214 but it fixed (by somehow) when i update to 220214. Very strange. And for the fps problem, have you patch dll yet?
  5. This song in the 0308 update which have been upload by scps9989
  6. Re-up update data: - KFC-2021102000: - KFC-2021112400: - KFC-2022021400: - soundvoltex.dll for 0214:
  7. As far as i know, if you using asphyxia, don't use -smartea in the start.bat and in my case i only use And the log show that it close after read the ea3-config file, so have you edit the services network part in that file yet? Same error with the last log you gave... So i guess you have try another solution. Have you try this guide? Try if the game can run 0831 without error, then upgrade it. I will find another 0214 link because mine game now is mix with 0328 and sth else.
  8. Add local url to your bat file: -sdvxdisablecams -> -url http://localhost:8083 -sdvxdisablecams And there are 0214 link in page 44.
  9. First, can you upload your log file? Second, why 1020 when you can upgrade to 0214 or 0328?
  10. Try something simple with this on bat file *** Update: Also change your ea3-config.xml from H back to G I dunno anyone have same error with me but using H make all the input can't recognize ingame so it may cause your problem
  11. Guys, i already give all the link in previous page ==' What solution did you try? Any more detail or log file please?
  12. Then I guess we must find another version of sdvx@asphyxia. The version I'm using doesn't have the same errors as yours, but its UI is full of errors. I have another version that UI show everything but ingame it cause the "invisible gear" :v
  13. It's your choice. I just update it all and don't get any error (so far). It like cache memory's link folder. In older version (vivdwave & 0831) it's in the same folder with the game (/contents/dev/raw) so i think it wont cause any problem (I guess)
  14. V2 is data with Omnimix's song
  15. I already re-checked it. Mine was normal. Same as Neardayo's video, a little blurry and come back to normal. So i assume you just need a right patch of asphyxia.
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