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benclau a gagné pour la dernière fois le 18 mai 2022

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  1. google
  2. Hi, i am not a programmer. I did this patch for my own personal interest. Since i'm playing in FHD, i don't need other res patch. However, if you tell me the resolution you need, i'll see what i can do.
  3. WMMT6R working FHD patches JConfig and TP WMMT6R movies re-encoded in FHD Enjoy!
  4. Hey phasermaniac, i only have Ninja warriors once again and it runs as smooth as butter on my 2 pc's. Core i7 9900k, 1080Ti, 16gb., win 10 20H2, 1080p, Yuzu EA1360. Didn't have much to do to make it work... pretty easy to emulate now. Can't say much... Maybe it's a monitor related problem or your gfx card. Hard to say.
  5. Is there a way to change game language?
  6. For those you want to change game resolution, just edit start.bat and add the 2 last arguments below. @start TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe -NOINI -Language=JPN -playside=1 -resx=2560 -resy=1440
  7. ... And have the Takodana mission...
  8. Simply incredible!!! Genious work very appreciated! Now if i could just know how to brake...
  9. benclau

    Game Loader All Rh

    oh! Custom resolution! It works! A big thank djexpert.for your support!
  10. benclau

    Game Loader All Rh

    @djexpert I cannot manage to get a proper fullscreen image of the game when loader mode sets to 6. The image is always cropped.
  11. benclau

    Game Loader All Rh

    I tried Game loader v328 with loader mode "dg" on Gigawings Generations. It works quite well with amazing HD screen but it introduces some stuttering. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks,
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