Put a note here, no more set your audio output format in 44100hz (tested on iidx 28 and 29)
Sometimes the tutorial from leaked game data tells you should set your audio output format to 44100hz (CD Quality), but many audio devices supports only 48000hz (DVD Quality) like realtek audio card and nvidia hd audio etc.
There is a way that you do not need to set 44100hz anymore, or enable "WASAPI shared mode" on bm2dx.dll
Download FlexASIO, create a config file named FlexASIO.toml in %USERPROFILE%:
backend = "Windows WASAPI"
bufferSizeSamples = 128
sampleType = "Int32"
suggestedLatencySeconds = 0.0
wasapiExclusiveMode = false
wasapiAutoConvert = true
channels = 2
In spicecfg.exe, set:
IIDX ASIO Driver (-iidxasio): FlexASIO
If you want game running in LDJ mode, set one more thing in spciecfg.exe:
IIDX Sound Output Device (-iidxsounddevice): ASIO