Additionally, I have an Oculus Quest 2 headset and using it for New Retro Arcade Neon is beyond amazing! You would have to experience it for yourself.
Imagine a virtual reality 80's arcade that you can mod for MAME cabinets. You can customize the music, movies, console games too.
You can purchase it on Steam.
Check out this video to see its potential ...
Does anyone use NEW RETRO ARCADE NEON? It replicates the environment of a 80's arcade with full cabs & artwork. Looks amazing! Anyhow, there's a Dragon's Lair and Space Ace cabinets that are just waiting to have these games play on them. Anyone try to make it work? NRAN also plays all MAME roms.
The software is available on Steam.
P.S. Excellent work on the restoration of the game video files! Looks awesome!