i can inject tdj mode patch and it start well.
but when i'm going to login, i can't type my passcode because my pc dosen't show subscreen.
how to fix it?
i have dual screen but it dosen't show on second screen.
i can see just subscreen's signal
how to set valkyrie mode? i just changed F to G in ea3-config.xml, i can see just i/o error. what's the matter? i have seen long time ago, but i can remember
i having alredy soundvoltex.dll file
i can enjoyed it in my pc but it coudln't played in my laptop
tryed to install all vc++ and directx
please solve this problem ToT
how can i solve this problem
soundvoltex.dll coudln't be loaded
i installed directx and vc++ all versions
plz help TOT
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directx랑 vc++ 다 설치했는데도 계속 오류가 뜨네요 도와주세요ㅠㅠ