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  1. i can inject tdj mode patch and it start well. but when i'm going to login, i can't type my passcode because my pc dosen't show subscreen. how to fix it? i have dual screen but it dosen't show on second screen. i can see just subscreen's signal
  2. how to apply this??
  3. how to use this?? i placed it in option folder and run by powershell but it isnt' even start. or is there any other way to unlock all items and card??
  4. how to use submonitor? i applied tdj option in dll file and i also have secondary monitor i can't change note size, note beam size in asphysia
  5. can i get available link? i can't use previous link i solved it thank you
  6. thankyou i solved the problem
  7. i need M39-2021042600-to-M39-2022042500 file too can i get any backup file or link?
  8. how to set valkyrie mode? i just changed F to G in ea3-config.xml, i can see just i/o error. what's the matter? i have seen long time ago, but i can remember
  9. i read all script but i can't solve this problem yet... i installed all of Visual C++ Redistributables... plz help me...
  10. i having alredy soundvoltex.dll file i can enjoyed it in my pc but it coudln't played in my laptop tryed to install all vc++ and directx please solve this problem ToT
  11. 데탑이랑 놋북에 있는 파일이랑 구성은 모두 동일합니다 그런데 놋북만 구동이 안되네요ㅠㅠ
  12. how can i solve this problem soundvoltex.dll coudln't be loaded i installed directx and vc++ all versions plz help TOT -------------------------------------------------- 데탑에선 별 문제없이 구동성공 했는데 노트북에선 해당 오류를 뿜습니다. directx랑 vc++ 다 설치했는데도 계속 오류가 뜨네요 도와주세요ㅠㅠ
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