I'm honestly not sure if I've made some dumb mistake here, but I've searched the entire topic and seen nothing on it so I'm assuming that I just borked something up. When I was setting this up according to the video, I was able to follow along with every step except the initial setup of the card (at least using the + key as was set in SpiceTools, more on that later). Whenever I pressed the + key, I specifically received the error "W:eamuse: card0.txt card override contains an invalid character sequence at byte 2 (16 characters, 0-9/A-f only) instead of having the "card" read and start the process of setting up an E-Amuse card. However, by utilizing F7 and manually pasting the E-Amuse card number into the window that popped up, saving that, and then selecting "Insert P1", I was able to get the card to read, albeit with the plus key not working as intended. I have uploaded the log file as I figure that will help somewhat.
I'm 98% expecting this to be some really stupid oversight that I missed, but everything else works fine too. Songs are actually better synced than on a real cabinet out of the box, and the event things are accessible to the e-amuse when I do the manual gimmick.
Welp, I figured it out like a dumbass. After thinking I ran out of ways to fuck up, apparently at some point, I manually went into the options of SpiceTools and tried setting Player 1 Card and Player 2 Card to "card0.txt" and "card1.txt", not realizing it was looking for a raw string, not to mention that it would override whatever I put into the card0.txt file. And of course I figure this out immediately after posting.