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Tout ce qui a été posté par bandicoot

  1. dongle error after time out for select area ;( @mjshl2 your error is just it search for installation CDROM but not need it
  2. i've got real gun ( aliens etc ) , i'll try in few minutes ok i can launch game , control doesn't work ?? but i pass the warning "missing guns" , but problem with AMD for me for obscure reason , i'll try later with an intel
  3. i think he try the dump on a real motherboard and install perhaps an nvidia driver , the dump from bigdenny seems doesn't let us to do it . i'm trying to make another clean dump but it's take time , perhaps Tekno teams make it faster than me , but this dump is old and if they can do something i think they do it a long time ago.
  4. non ça c'est pour simuler l'appuie d'une touche de télécommande pour passer la tv en mode 3D
  5. l'upload de Bigdenny semble moins buggué que le mien , faut que j'arrive a mettre un pilote correct de ma carte graph qui bizarrement passait sur mon dump pour voir si j'ai du mieux . Pour info je lance le bouzin sur un vrai Hardware avec HDD cloné du coup , on va dire du coup ça boot bien etc.. @nosoucy62 ça n'est pas un lightgun mais un positionnal gun , parcontre je vois pas ce qui te fait dire que c'est de l'arduino le bouzin ( j'ai des copies aliexpress de ces guns ) bien que oui avec un arduino on peut faire la meme chose
  6. this is the dump i talk yesterday thanks bigdenny to reupload it
  7. In a Dump of a 4in1 global VR which seem hard to find ( aliens ext + far cry + haunted museum and swarm )there all files you need , but game freeze at startup the best thing i've got is today after a long time not try it , i have the selection menu working , i can start player 1 et 2 , select region and that's all^^ it's seems you need another folder shell\
  8. so many thanks it's work like a charm , for an arcade cabinet with positionnal gun a dream come true , cherry on the cake mamehooker support , thanks a lot
  9. thanks a lot
  10. bandicoot

    PCSX2 1.7 nightly issues

    look a this
  11. pour corriger ton probleme de lancer 2 3 fois le jeu il faut lancer demulshooter apres que le jeu soit lancé du coup remplace ça run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN" par ça run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\rpcs3-gun.exe "dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN" Sleep, 20000 ( la ça depend de la config des gens plus ou moins ) run C:\YOUR DIRECTORY\Emulateurs divers\Rpcs3-Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.lnk
  12. I've build a very cool wheel for DeadStorm Here's the opensource code ( You need to modify it to have wheel mouve and not X or Y, but i give you the code mod ) GitHub - CraigB-spinner/Arcade-Spinner: Arcade Spinner version 2 - based off earlier Spinner version Next Print this Ship Wheel by nachotatertot - Thingiverse Spinner_No-Button.ino
  13. Thanks pacman88 , Hope someone found a way to make it work in 60hz
  14. bandicoot

    GUN Aliens Extermination

    il te faut autre chose pour alimenter tes gun comme a dit Tdg81 regarde sur Gamoover ( je viens d'y repondre pour une de tes questions , essaye de rester sur un seul et meme forum pour les question technique ) la partie alimentation est clairement expliquée par Aganyte il te faut une alim 12 v et une 24v ou au mieux une qui fait les deux ( ce qui existe )
  15. FFB just with JCONFIG ? what's your controller?
  16. Ok that same for me ok but with an HOMEMADE wheel
  17. Not really understand you just have the centerering spring ? you need to disable FFB from JCONFIG? or you have real FFB with your TX
  18. someone have FFB working? Got a error when active it : Can't create effectX
  19. for me English is not hard especially technical english but for better understanding look at this and tell me if it's working
  20. Like i said before try an old teknoparrot 1.62 you will see it doesn't crash after level 3
  21. First : when you configure pedal try to press brake for acceleration and acceleration for brake If it doesn't work look at logitech configuration if you put pedal in combined mode
  22. ok just try with Teknoparrot 1.62 i'm sure it will work and with DGVoodoo too
  23. same here with last teknoparrot and DGVoodoo game crash after beating the stage 3 But i try an old teknoparrot 1.62 without DGVoodo and no problem , i need to try the last teknoparrot without DGVooDoo and an old tekno with DGVoodo
  24. not now , DUCON2016 haven't got time now to search on it , i think i give a good work to help us , just stand for someone have the skill to make it work
  25. the game boot and check for I/o board like other game after decrypt PS: @witherzombie222 I just found an image disk that's the only thing i've done
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