Excellent post here. I like the nesica text & icon removal. Oh and the additional colors are a nice touch!
But upon further investigation your "game.exe" crashes. After Player 1 has inserted a coin and press start and is on the mode selection menu, if Player 2 joins in the game crashes on "here comes a new challenger". Alternatively, the same crash happens if a rematch occurs (because the same "here comes a new challenger" screen is called)
0x00047B2A 00 -> 01
0x0007CD33 87 -> 87
These two edits are whats crashing the game, on rematch. The first one is for the icon, and the second is for the text. We're going to get rid of these edits.
0x001AF808 04 -> 18
0x001AF8D2 04 -> 18
0x001AF8FD 74 -> 75
These edits were made to enable the extra character colors, we're going to keep these.
So what should we do about the NESiCAxLive text&icon nag? How do we get rid of those? Well luckily we have a couple other options. The NESiCAxLive text can be removed by editing Game/data/localizeAC/jpn_idlist.txt. Super easy, cool thats done now.
As for the icon, instead of doing a hex edit on the exe we're going to go into the game files and make a slight edit. BBCF & some other arcsys games use .pac files, and the NESiCAxLive online/offline files are inside Game/data/ETC/static_simg.pac specifically inside there there are 3 other pac files, fhd_ads.pac, fullimg.pac, and hd_hds.pac. The icons are inside fullimg.pac as bb20_liveicon.png. I've edited that png file to just be fully transparent and repacked the .pac file.
Our result is we have BBCF working with no nesica text, icon, and all the colors unlocked and multiplayer working!
I've compiled and uploaded my changes to the game.exe, jpn_idlist.txt and static_simg.pac, so I can share them with everyone else. Enjoy.
montobot BBCF nesicaremoval+colors.zip