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  1. Thank you @LizardKing for your work. I have two brief questions, concerning only Lair, Ace, and Lair2. 1) Did you start from the HD footage that has been released by Digital Leisure at some point in the past? The 60fps versions show clearly a sort of temporal interpolation (handled, I suppose, by some machine learning algorithm), but the 4K "normal fps" are sometimes very different from the original (chromatically). Is it intended or a side effect of some upscaling algorithm? 2) Your video files do not unfortunately play on RetroPi (on a raspberry pi 4). I have just realised you distributed a modified version of Daphne (under windows), so they are not supposed to work with the vanilla Daphne under Linux. Any chance to release its source code, so that maybe it can be compiled for raspberry pi? Thank you again for your work.
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