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lokofer a gagné pour la dernière fois le 30 juillet 2021

lokofer a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

2 abonnés

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    pc i7 core 8 gigas de ram

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Newbie (1/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. this man made it working :D
  2. oh you were right :D i didn't know what i was doing wrong sorry for the inconvinience is there a method to save your improvements in your car ?
  3. could you upload your ahk for x360kb please ?
  4. x360ce DOES not work :( for this game :(
  5. so you can only play the game if you have a REAL xbox controller ? :( too bad
  6. could someone please upload the configured UCR for xbox controller ? thanks :D
  7. you can't :D i have tried xbox ce emu , and pressing any key in the keyboard but i can not start the game :(
  8. I'm using xbox ce joystick emulator :( but can not start the game :(
  9. which are thwhich are the buttons ? besides A,W,S,D there are more buttons to use in the keyboard :(
  10. can not enter the game :( i press each button but it keeps showing the tutorial :(
  11. Ok THIS was the problem also D: the game is in freeplay but i press any button and i can not start the game :( i use the loader .exe MADDEN_LAUNCHER.exe
  12. gives me the error .... "è" is not a valid key name. ----> Line# 116:Hotkey,%Player2WHITE%P2_START The current thread will exist
  13. wow awesome ¡¡¡ :D :D do you have FAST FURIOUS SUPERCARS mohkerz ??
  14. is there a place to download all the artworks updated for mame 0.205 ????
  15. well you can find ALL the bios HERE
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