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    RTX 2070 Max-Q / 32 GB / i7-10750H @ 2.60 GHz / Windows 10

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  1. hi im trying to setup a profile on iidx epolis but get this error when it has me select my area. anyone know what the issue might be? im on version 2024070200 and have the latest versions of spice (24-08-12), asphyxia (v1.50c), and the iidx plugin (v1.4.4_a12). ive even tried doing it on a fresh install of resident, but got the same error. spice64 2024.08.13 -
  2. trying to play on a 165hz monitor, but the fps seems really low for some reason. when I press f12, it says I'm getting 144+ fps, but the gameplay looks really laggy. i have the fps options set to 165hz in the DLL patcher and I've tried to force refresh rate in spice tools, but nothing has worked. anyone know of a fix?
  3. i dont see ThincaPayment.dll anywhere in the game or segatools folder. where do I find/download it? also what do you mean by downloading it as a supported version?
  4. i downloaded maimai (CN) DX 2023 (SDGB 1.30.00).tar and SDEZ 1.30 maimai Festival segatools (+clean tools) and when i try to start the game with "SDEZ 1.30 maimai Festival segatools", i get this error and the game doesnt start: when i try to start it with "SDEZ 1.30 (CLEAN TOOLS)", i get the same error, but the game opens and just shows this: im probably missing steps or doing something wrong, but i cant find any solution for this. anyone know what im missing?
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