PC Archive&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9wcm9qZWN0ZGotbXkuc2hhcmVwb2ludC5jb20vOmY6L2cvcGVyc29uYWwveHBpbl9wcm9qZWN0ZGpfb25taWNyb3NvZnRfY29tL0VzTkNfVllBc0dwR2xMYU9sQU9WRmJzQmhfMTBZbEpBbkk4ZWFfcEJrdUZiZmc_cnRpbWU9b2pPVEdGRW8yVWc
password: 8kun1cc
some games to download including TEKKEN 7 and APM games
ALL credit goes to the uploader of 8kun 1cc
Do you have CHINESE CHARACTERS in the FILE ? if so change the name to BLOCK KING SHOOTER or something like :D that i can enter now the game but do not know what to do to make it playable