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eljose a gagné pour la dernière fois le 25 juillet

eljose a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

2 abonnés

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Intel I5 8Gb de Ram , Nvidia Gtx 1050

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Collaborator (7/14)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. game works thanks 😄 😄 the problem is to emulate 2 mouses at the same time
  2. how many buttons you need to configure for tatsunoko vs capcom ? only 4 buttons ?
  3. can the buttons be configured to choose another buttons of the keyboard ?
  4. which is the sztart button ? i can put credit with 1 gbut no start
  5. where is the .exe of the emulator ? can not find it to play the game , how do i load the game from retroarch ? please some tutorial 😄
  6. the link is OFF could someone please upload it again ? thanks 😄
  7. you need the HBMAME version and the HBMAME emulator to play this game , highly recommended 😄
  8. TeknoparrotGamesFull directory listing ( try here 😄 the rom
  9. yes it works without TP , uses a xbox controller pad and no sound ? 😞 i do no t know i have tried it and it loaded and worked well
  10. Need for speed heat takedown
  11. @virusman could you please 😄 upload SWORD ART ONLINE ARCADE ? thanks 😄
  12. eljose

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

    just click and play on the file is the same as marbella vice i got fgrom instagram 😄
  13. eljose

    Picmatic Marbella Vice

  14. i have downloaded WAN GAN 6R but is a .vhd file 😞 how do i open it with TP ???
  15. i have a problem with JCONFIG and Crazy ride , the game still ask for the USB dongle can not go further
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