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    i7 7700HQ

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  1. If you're using SPICE, that's an error and the checking is not going to end, wait for update or get forest tool if you can I guess is the same problem , try the method I mentioned earlier or google "Validate XML files" and check if there's other error in that xml file If you still can't solve it, ask ur friend for their prop/ea3-config.xml
  2. I found out that the first line of prop/ea3-config.xml is incorrect and I'm too lazy to see what's exactly wrong just prepare a old or other correct xml file and delete everything but the first line copy everything from the new prop/ea3-config.xml EXCEPT the weird first line paste it in the fresh xml file you prepare, than rename it /ea3-config.xml this will make it launchable but there are still other problems I can't solve. If you can start it normally, pls help me with it ; (
  3. I tried using spice and Btools and it'll stuck at MAIN I/O at the checking screen when using spice And when using Btools the game will close itself after all the checking are green. I've never heard of forestools, is there any detail or hint about it? thx 4 helping :]
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