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    commodore vic20 +16k

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  1. the problem is always the same... as soon as you lose a life, black screen and you can't get out of there. it was said about 2 different dumps, and that with the older version there is no problem...but to date, as if it were the secret of fatima, no one has posted a link with this dump and solve the problem.
  2. THANKS! yes I have to reset tkp, now input work again... perfekt.
  3. THANKS! right now start !! allelujaaa...but no input (always if setting on tkp and saved) so no key for start....
  4. I think not work , I try to change and rename files from and to 2.06 (undongle working by tkp running) but nothing to do , seem to be locked ) if You found a way , explain to all. thanks
  5. Hi, THE SHOT is a beautiful "gun" game, do you have any news if after years of non-functioning someone has managed to make it playable, perhaps through a fix? the game is working, it freezes in the menu after calibration because no key/button is seen, proceed, even if the game is still working perfectly. After a long time, I downloaded yet another latest update of this emulator but this BUG remains without any news about it. I'm asking here if by any chance anyone has managed to find some cheat fixes to make it playable. THANK YOU
  6. jimiz

    Here comes a new challenger

    Hallo jimi real newbie need help hope If found a new friend help site here thanks to staf and anyone here.
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