Was working fine until updating spice2x to the latest 10-22 beta. Now game passes checks then sits on a black screen. If i wait 5 minutes it will boot to the main screen, but scanning a card causes the game to reboot. Going back to stable spice2x hasn't fixed it. Any Idea what this means?
[2023/10/24 01:16:54] M:xrpc: connect(,1)
[2023/10/24 01:17:24] W:httpac: not found status code(or timeout), -22
[2023/10/24 01:17:24] M:xrpc: comm: httpac get status code failed. -1
[2023/10/24 01:17:24] M:xrpc: comm: retrying
[2023/10/24 01:17:24] M:xrpc: connect(,1)