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À propos de BlackPredator72

  • Date de naissance 28/12/1972

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    i5 13600k, 32GB DDR5, RTX3070TI, 2TB M.2 48TB HDD

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  1. I'm not sure if I have the BASE version, I've downloaded the file from which looks like this: Then in TP I start the game with Not sure if I need other .dll files? But the game starts, the bezel/overlay is loaded, but when I press the START button, the game CTD. And I don't mind to start the game with something else, like jconfig or what else, because I can change it in Launchbox. Except it looks like all files from jconfig fandom are gone? EDIT: found another version here: worked out of the box
  2. I have the same problem with Aleste, Arccabview works, but when you push the Start button....crash
  3. When I try to start it from TP. When I just open the .exe it works.
  4. Again, some hours trying and trying, but I finally managed to achieve it. Also had to change screen res to 1920x1080 and scaling to 100%. (my monitor is 3440x1440). Now I have to find out which buttons work the best on my Xbox Series X controller.
  5. I got Super Alpine Racer with bezels but that was easy because I've downloaded a version where ArcCabView was already included and you can select Bezel on/off in TeknoParrot: Then I tried 2 games myself, 20XX and 30XX and that wasn't hard too. I copied the ArcCabView folder into the root of the game. Started ArcCabView_Launcher, selected 20XX.exe and it worked. The same for 30XX. But now I'm struggeling with Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for some hours and decided to ask for some help here. I copied the ArcCabView folder into the .\SegaOlympic2016\package folder (hopefully the correct folder?) Then I started the ArcCabView_Launcher and for the True game exe I choose this: app.exe For the launcher I selected: TeknoParrotUi.exe from my TeknoParrot folder. As the command to send I filled in this: --profile=SegaOlympic2016.xml And finally in the last screen I choose this one: After the warning to touch nothing the screen rotated 90 degrees, I see the 2 CMD screens trying to open the game, but then the next error pops up: After a few seconds the screen rotates back to landscape mode and the game is started normally but without bezels and not centered. If I start the game from TeknoParrot the game is starting centered. I got no idea if I have to copy files to another folder or what to do with the Mario And Sonic Olympic Games (NU)_h.cfg file from the Presets folder. Do I have to rename it? Copy it somewhere else? Same for the bezel.png from the Textures folder. Rename it? Move it? And what about the GameBase.ini and the GameList.ini? It look so easy when I watch the Demo YouTube movies, and it was easy for "normal games" but for my TeknoParrot games it's different. So hopefully someone can tell me what to do or make a nice tutorial for TP games. Thnx in advance.
  6. How did you guys start the game? Can't start by just clicking the game.exe. Tried to add JConfig_2020_10_29 and Game Loader All RH 379 but game is not starting?
  7. How did you start the game, I tried a lot but can't use any button for coins or starting the game. First I wanted to start the game with TeknoParrot but then I had full screen but with a smaller screen where the game is. But I could use the controls I configured in TP. When I closed the game, my mouse was acting strange, like not calibrated anymore so had to sign off and login again. Then I tried some things with Game Loader and JConfig so now I have it real full screen, I hear music, don't know yet if there are sounds. But I can't get any button to work. What am I missing?
  8. I have the same but I can't even start it from the JLA.exe I created a shortcut with -nohardware parameter Resolution in the ini is 1600x900 Hangs on the intro screen...Initializing log file says: FATAL ERROR: CPhysicsManager: Failed to initialize Physics Engine! After putting the 4 PhysX .dll files into the game folder, I can start the JLA.exe, but still not from TP.
  9. I can't get it to work...hours did I spent watching Youtube tutorials, reading forums and try things myself but both Chase HQ2 and Valve Limit R crash after "Network checking" message. All my Taito TypeX, NesicaXLive and ArcadePC games are working...but these 2...grrrrrr. I'm using Win10 x64, GTX1070, 16GB and all latest drivers, Directx, VisualC and other stuff. Hopefully someone had the same issue and know how to solve this cause I really would like to play these games!
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