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  1. 5kBoxer

    Game Loader All Rh

    I'd also like to try an older version for my issue a few posts above - just cannot get SSFIVAE to play beyond ~20 seconds. I have a few other TTX games working so I'm relatively comfortable with what to do, but SSFIVAE (not the .2012 edition) is giving me huge problems. At this stage I'm wondering if it's a) the dump I have, or b) some type of bug in the latest version of GLARH?
  2. 5kBoxer

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi, Im just wondering if anyone can help me. I grabbed a few games from the "motherload of arcade dumps torrent", and am running into a problem. I have gotten Street Fighter 4 and Raiden IV working perfectly, but when I go to try Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, the game crashes no matter what I do. It boots fine but crashes back to the desktop after about 10 seconds every single time. I'm using All Game Loader, updated to latest version, I've tried all the different loader modes, I've tried 1280x720, I've tried 1920x1080, I've tried disabling hotkeys, autohide taskbar, I don't know what I'm doing wrong at all. Windows 10, GTX 1080Ti.....please help
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