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    I collect GITADORA games for a living.
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    NVIDIA 720M I5-4200U (ASUS X450LC) 12 GB RAM 1TB HDD 250GB SATA SSD|| NVIDIA 940MX I5-6200U (HP Pavilion 14) 16 GB RAM 250GB nVMe SSD

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  1. try to copy `libbmsd.dll` `libbmsd2.dll` `libbmsd-engine.dll` from the nex+age modules, and then try to paste the files into your fuzz-up module folder. If it's still not working. You might have sound issues in your PC.
  2. Stick out with terabox and old torrent for now. I might have to re-upload all of the games, but in separate folders to save space. -ifs_pack separation -product/movie separation -data, modules, and prop separation. Making a tutorial how to do it.
  3. on what I saw, megaup only have 5gb limit, while as qiwi? I don't think that it doesn't have file limits to it.
  4. for gfdm xg. this is the 866kb version of the file that doesn't included in the post.
  5. Also, for those who downloaded the DJHACKERS V7 crack, and have missing files such as sys folder and d045/pack1359.pak, here it is.
  6. I suspect that the gitadora@asphyxia core might be the problem. but does it work on other releases though such as high-voltage, etc.?
  7. I think spice or the game itself runs on nvidia gpus. If spice doesn't work, try the alternate launcher instead (can be seen in the first post). or, i think you need to wait up a bit until the boot status appears.
  8. BuzzHeavier link has been added. I had no plans to upload all of the games on due to slow upload.
  9. Don't worry, I'll upload the buzzheavier link later, as this torrent is outdated.
  10. Btw, is there anyone have the chinese data for GFDM V7 and XG? And can someone upload it here?
  11. that debug support supposed to be running on gfdm v8, not v4. you can just directly click the bat file either start gf.bat or start dm.bat about bemanipc config, you'll just bind all the necessary keys for the game to work. e.g. i click the "A" key, and then bind it to "Hi-Hat". etc etc.
  12. Here's the v8 autoplay support.v8_bin+debug_support.rar
  13. did you ran the either gf or dm .bat file? if not, you'll most likely opened gdv4.exe directly, not on the bat file itself.
  14. If someone has video loading problems, or even black screen on XG1, try this
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