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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kleyon

  1. Ok, thanks for information! I'll take a look. Thanks a lot! I edited script with path I use and converted it to exe using AutoHotKey, works like a charm!
  2. Hi, can you share you're dgvoodoo settings and version please? I can't make it works, if I add dgvoodoo2 2.73 and d3d9.dll I have this error (game is working fine wihout it) :
  3. Thanks for feedback on reshade @chelo2014 and @eathearty1! Issue for Win7 must surely be linked to included DLLs. Since my reshade patch is based on the one for KOF98... did KOF98 patch works on Win7? To explain, I have just used KOF98 reshade on KOF2002, edited CRTGeomMOD.ini with most accurate values I can to center image on bezel then I have created new bezel using a screenshot found on Internet. So basically, it is the same files as KOF98 patch. I don't know why it wouldn't works if KOF98 patch works on Win7. Edit April 4th 2021: J'ai finalement trouvé un patch Reshade existant pour KOF2002UM, bien meilleur que le mien, qui avait, comme je m'en doutais un mauvais effet sur le filtre CRT! Le Bezel est meilleur aussi puisque c'est l'original duquel j'ai créé le nouveau bezel... mais depuis une capture d'écran, j'ai donc supprimé de fait le lien du patch que j'ai posté, voici le lien vers le bon: I finally found an already existing Reshade patch for KOF2002UM, much better than mine, that was, as I expected, having a bad effect on CRT filter! Bezel is better too as it is the original one I edit from a screenshot, I deleted link to patch I posted, here is link to the good one: Ouais il était pas si loin! Il suffit de cliquer sur l'imposant "DOWNLOAD" en haut de page et naviguer dans Game Configs. Yeah it wasn't that far! Just click on the huge "DOWNLOAD" on top and navigate to Game Configs.
  4. Thanks @TurkJerk that's cool! I have found solution, I was wrong! I did not use MalwareBytes nor Cylance. Windows Defender is deactivated since I use ESET Internet Security (and whole path is excluded from detection). I am currently writing it, I will edit that comment with solution. EDIT: Merci je n'ai pas un écran en 1280x1024, je joue sur TV 4K mais tu as solutionné mon problème... je m'explique... Thanks, I don't have a 1280x1024 monitor, I am playing on a 4K TV but you gave solution to my issue... I explain... J'ai récupéré l'archive du jeu préparé avec JConfigSRG par PsyKos et lorsque je lançais le jeu, une petite fenêtre blanche apparaissait en haut à gauche de l'écran et fermait aussitôt. J'ai d'abord pensé que le problème venait de usb_io.dll de JConfigSRG car si je remplaçais ce fichier par celui de l'ancienne archive du jeu, celui-ci se lançait (non sans erreur au lancement et sans planter au bout de 30 secondes aussi!). I grab game archive prepared with JConfigSRG by PsyKos and when I was launching game, a little white window was appearing on the top left and was closing immediately. I first thought issue was linked to usb_io.dll from JConfigSRG cause if I was replacing it by the one from older VM archive, game was launching (not without any error and without crashing after 30 seconds). Finalement le problème était tout bête! Je suis obligé de cocher DX Window Mode dans JConfigSRG pour que le jeu se lance, sinon je n'ai que cette petite fenêtre blanche qui se ferme rapidement. Plus qu'à trouver un moyen de faire du plein écran maintenant! Finally issue wasn't serious! I am forced to tick DX Windows Mode on JConfigSRG for the game to works, otherwise I just have this little white window at top left closing immediately. I just need to find a way to launch it fullscreen now. Thanks again!
  5. @eathearty1 you're welcome, like you surely understood I had the very same issue ^^ I tried Multiup link for reshade and only 3 llinks are up, but I won't post two of them since it is recommended to use those links through JDownloader (uptobox and zippyshare...). Maybe you can download from 1fichier and let me know please? (Or I'll make a mirror on Mega)
  6. @eathearty1 : Complete command line : TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=KingofFighters2002UnlimitedMatch.xml --startMinimized RocketLauncher doesn't like spaces on profiles name, it stops considering your command at the first space in it. Even using double quotes (I don't remember if I tried using a batch file and double quotes). So I edited Drunkymaster files to match name without spaces (not when it's a description) and their filenames too (renaming gameprofile and userprofile xmls too). Please, did you tried my Reshade+Fix+Hi-Res+CRT KOF98 to KOF2002 edit? (link is under second screenshot on my comment, the one using the blue bezel).I am asking myself if settings I made are good for everyone. PS : I think the right place for this topic is
  7. @eathearty1 Here is a mirror : For information, as its name suggests, multiup is a multi-upload service so there is multiple links from different hosting websites. Just use JDownloader to copy multiup url and you'll have automatically all active links. So I was able to download it without any registration (except Emuline registration but I was already registered ^^). Mega links are cool but dies fast and have bandwidth limitation since chinese owned it... I miss the good old "DOT COM" (I mean Kim) Mega ^^ @Drunkymaster, n'hésite pas à ajouter le lien à ton premier message.
  8. @Drunkymaster Merci pour l'archive, beau boulot! Je confirme il marche parfaitement bien dans TeknoParrot, en prime tu m'auras appris comment ajouter un jeu dans la liste de TeknoParrot! Juste une modification me concernant pour l'icône TeknoParrot j'utilise celle-ci (elle vient du forum) : SUPPRIMÉ CAR UN MEILLEUR PATCH EXISTE DÉJÀ! DELETED AS A BETTER PATCH ALREADY EXIST! Ensuite, concernant le bezel, je me suis bien marré... alors je suis parti du patch Reshade+Fix+Hi-Res+CRT.rar pour King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match et j'ai tenté de l'adapter à la version 2002 (je dis bien tenté ^^). Il a fallut que je modifie des valeurs dans le fichier CRTGeomMOD.ini (offset_y, offset_x, overscan_y et overscan_x) car l'image n'était pas centrée du tout et était trop grande. Voici le résultat obtenu avec le bezel de KOF98 {KOF98 patch on KOF2002}: Puis j'ai trouvé une capture d'écran de KOF2002 en cherchant sur Google avec ce bezel, je l'ai donc adapté et voilà le résultat {KOF2002 bezel found on preview screenshot and adapted to KOF98 bezel}: Extraire le contenu de l'archive dans le dossier de KOF2002 tout simplement (comme pour le patch KOF98). De fait il ya deux bezels dans le dossier reshade-shaders\Textures\. Par défaut j'ai nommé le nouveau Bezel.png pour qu'il soit pris en charge. Le second n'est autre que le bezel de KOF98 renommé en Bezel98.png, pour ceux qui préfèrent celui-ci, il suffit de renommer les fichiers. Cependant, je me demande si les modifications que j'ai apportées pour recadrer l'image n'ont pas eu d'effet sur le filtre CRT (ça se voit bien au lancement du jeu lorsque l'écran est sur fond blanc avec les logos SNK..). Il faudrait que quelqu'un de plus compétent que moi se penche dessus peut-être. Cela ne fait pas longtemps que j'ai découvert les dumps arcade et je suis encore en train de mettre tout ça en place! Je ne peux faire mieux pour l'instant hélas. PS: Un thème Hyperspin se trouve facilement sur le site officiel, par contre je n'ai pas trouvé de vidéo alors j'en ai fais une, je ne me suis pas cassé la tête, j'ai capturé l'intro: KOF2002UM video Et un petit aperçu du rendu final {Hyperspin preview}:
  9. @7zxkv Uptobox link is about Winter X-Games Snocross. It's a mistake right? Here we are talking about X-Games SNowboarder, not the same game? I am confused ^^
  10. Kleyon


    @Trymado Un petite contribution pour Hyperspin, mon (très basique) thème pour Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade Future Tone. Je me suis servis du thème Project Diva de Trymado donc merci à lui, j'ai remplacé le fond et les autres images, je continue d'utiliser la vidéo ProjectDiva.avi pour l'instant (renommée en ProjectDivaFutureTone.avi), je ferai peut-être una autre vidéo également. A little (and modest) contribution for Hyperspin, my Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade Future Tone (really basic) theme. I used Trymado's Project DIVA theme, so thnaks for that, I changed background and artworks, I still use ProjectDiva.avi this far (renamed ProjectDivaFutureTone.avi), maybe I'll do another video too. Here is link : Theme Edit: Je viens de réaliser que mon thème fonctionne bien avec la vidéo de Project DIVA Arcade mais celle-ci est 4/3, vu que j'ai fais une vidéo pour Arcade Future Tone, j'ai modifié le thème pour que le cadre corresponde à une vidéo 16/9. Voici les liens (soyez avertis, la vidéo fait 43.4Mo): I just realized my theme is working fine using Project DIVA Arcade videosnap but this one is 4/3! Since I made a videosnap for Arcade Future Tone now, I edited theme for video overlay to works properly with a 16/9 video, here are links(be warned video is about 43.4Mo): Theme - Video Une petite capture d'écran: Here's a screenshot:
  11. Kleyon


    Merci de m'avoir redirigé ici @Trymado, je vais commencer par tout autre chose, mais je vois que tu as posté le thème pour FarCry Lost Paradise juste deux messages plus haut, alors tiens, temps qu'on y est, j'ai une question à son sujet! Tu as visiblement paramétré la manette Xbox360 dans TeknoParrot, cela fonctionne bien dans les menus mais en jeu les gâchettes ne répondent plus (je ne peux pas tirer), j'ai essayé en basculant sur des boutons classiques mais pareil, tu as fais comment stp? Sinon je voulais parler du pack Hyperspin TeknoParrot, qui est vraiment au top ^^ Bien entendu j'ai été obligé de modifier les chemins des executables dans TeknoParrot pour correspondre aux miens ainsi que dans RocketLauncher pour le lancement des dumps. En remuant un peu tout ça, j'ai apporté deux modifications : Le premier point c'est que dans RocketLauncher, concernant les contenus lancés avec TeknoParrot, j'ai ajouté --startMinimized à la fin de la commande. Tu le sais probablement, cela permet de ne pas voir du tout la fenêtre de TeknoParrotUI. Moins on en voit plus je trouve cela propre... si jamais tu approuves pour l'éventuelle v7 ^^ Le second point c'est que j'ai été obligé de faire des modifications de timing pour le fade-in. Si les paramètres de base (12000ms) marchent bien pour les contenus lancés avec GLARH (qui se lance quand même plus rapidement) cela est beaucoup trop court pour les contenus TeknoParrot chez moi. J'ai d'abord tenté d'augmenter drastiquement le temps d'affichage du fade-in et cela marchait très bien pour les contenus TeknoParrot (vu qu'il détectait l'application se lancer, le fade disparaissait). Mais concernant les jeux GLARH il ne détectait pas l'application (pourtant renseignée, comme tu l'as fais, dans AppWaitExe pour chaque jeu concerné). J'ai donc tenté de gérer le fade-in des contenus GLARH par le Fade Title mais pareil... il ne détectait pas l'application, le fade-in restait affiché jusqu'à la fin du timing configuré puis j'avais droit à un message d'erreur vu qu'il ne voyait pas arriver le titre qu'il attendait. La solution que j'ai trouvé à cela est donc de revenir aux paramètres de base (12000ms) puis de modifier le fade-in des contenus TeknoParrot avec le Fade Title (avec le FadeTitleWaitTillActive=true et un FadeTitleTimeout à 60s... beaucoup plus pour CSNeo par contre). Là RocketLauncher est en mesure de détecter l'application et le fade-in disparait. Alors je ne sais pas si c'est moi qui ai mal compris quelque chose, mais ici visiblement ça ne fonctionne que comme cela. Après, il y a certaines curiosités, comme le fait que certains contenus que tu avais paramétré avec TeknoParrot ne marchent pas chez moi et que j'ai donc parfois basculé sur GLARH et de petites choses du genre, mais je voulais te faire part des deux points précédents.
  12. Don't worry about it, I understand you could have misinterpreted patch folder, I am new to Arcade dumps too so to be honest I don't know that much. You're welcome, honestly, my pleasure if it helps! I only have posted my experience for this dump, I didn't do that much (originally I was asking for help too but finally found a way by myself... after hours of "going nuts" parameters testing lol). You don't really have to thanks me for that. ^^ EDIT : In fact IT'S ME that thanks you! I am not the only one having this weird issue concerning Tekken 7.... Why nobody is talking about it on Tekken 7 tutorial?! I was asking myself if it was an issue on my side... How something can possibly randomly works?! I could understand it on console hack scene, since it use specific exploits that can sometimes be unstable and needs multiples tries to be triggered. But in that case?! I highly doubt we are hacking game each time it is launched... "Hack" here is more about decrypting dump and adding support for it on emulator, eventually a dongle hack. So "hack" part has already been done I suppose... Well, sounds like we can't do anything about it. Or maybe is it a compatibility issue that concern emulator and we can hope for a better support one day or another?!
  13. Ok sorry so, I misunderstood your comment, I'm happy if my comment helps someone! Topic's author was talking about 1366x768 resolution but I didn't succeed to have a clean fullscreen using that one. I suppose it is because of respective displays. Here I am on a 4K 58" TV. I use the same executable but asking for wsvga mode so 1280x720. Sorry I realized I mixed VF5 and Tekken 7 issues. The one randomly working for me is Tekken 7 not VF5! You can easily try, just delete Patch folder and launch game again using very same GLARH parameters ^^
  14. Man, I only tells what I encountered! For me, if I tick Fullscreen mode on GLARH, fullscreen isn't matching display and I lost a part of image on the right, but not using settings I posted.... on my case! My comment is all about explaining sometimes common settings aren't working for everybody! Ah and you're welcome! Or did I badly understood and you are telling you have the exactly same result as me?! So not the same result as fullscreen mode?! 1 - I explained the Patch folder.... it's just because I use Trymado's Hyperspin pack, there's no dump on this pack but he included existing patches.... Why making a fixation on it?! Game isn't even looking for that folder, once again, it only contains existing patches for concerned dump (HD patches, fixes, etc). In some rare case, games are containing a patch folder even on sources you listed... Again, it isn't needed for the game to work, just usefull to patch it. 2 - Surely linked to internal resolution. Some game are originally using 720p. Some modern arcade games are just 720p. 3 - I don't understand that point too. Of course we all have different computers but I thought only difference on loading arcade dump will be GPU support (AMD/Nvidia/Intel). Seems like it's more specific than just GPU support. I'll add a 4 - I realized sometimes, some applications can cause issues. Discord can bug and remains displayed in the foreground. So I just kill Discord when I work on TeknoParrot install. Steam can cause issues too. Some dump are including a SteamID.txt and interact with it. We can see Steam notifications when launching those games. On one of them, game was working the very first I launch it, then was crashing after that each time I pressed a button.... Finally asked myself about Steam launching pad configuration... Killed Steam, solved issue! Fact you created this patch folder doesn't have any relation with the game working! ERROR, CONCERN TEKKEN 7! : Like I said, in my case, seems like this game is randomly working! I need to launch it multiple times before it launch succesfully. With exact same configuration of course. I need to understand what happens.
  15. Finally! Many thnaks for this very usefull comment ! I was having an issue on Alien Exterminations, it was working fine when I installed it, then seems like graphic drivers update breaks framerate. Game was a lot too fast to be playable. I saw on TeknoParrot is it a known issue concerning AMD GPUs (I insist when I installed it before drivers update, I didn't have any issue). Useless AMD Radeon Software: So the quest for a FPS limiter started here... AMD Radeon Chill ? Not working, doing... absolutely nothing! Rivatuner? Worked yes, but it still refresh display all the time and was causing RocketLaucher background to be seen... Didn't found how to disable refresh... Bandicam? Configured in one minute, works! Worked for Virtua Tennis 3 too... and all concerned games I suppose. I archive it, many thanks again it started to sounds like a bad nightmare...
  16. You can find Jconfig version here : For me it didn't worked "as it" if I correctly understood when you use JConfig, you directly launch game executable right? It didn't worked for me. I was forced to use Game Loader All RH (telling him to use JConfig) for it to work. Anyway, fullscreen is working but even editing ini file to have a 3840x2160 resolution don't give good results: Seems like TeknoParrot version is having best result but I can't download it since file is too large to download it from uptobox without an account. Does anyone could share original Tekken 7 FT executable compatible with TeknoParrot please? The one from this release result in a "Unsupported executable" error and seems like original executable hasn't been backuped on that repack :/ EDIT: Even tried those settings : But it's not really better: EDIT : Finally got it to work without the use of GLARH, thanks to those two comments : Copying monitor_input.bin at root with TekkenGame.exe wasn't enough for me, joystick was mad. I added monitor_input.misc but result was the same. I had to include JConfigTK7.exe too and now it works... but seems like sometimes it crash quickly at launch! lol Anyway, again I can't see no difference, seems like I am trying to do better when it's not possible? Did TeknoParrot executable will provide some gain? FINAL EDIT: I ticked parameter on TekkenGame.exe properties to launch it as administrator and sometimes it works sometimes not (UAC are disabled) and I tried to launch game using RocketLauncher... Game isn't launching at each try. I need to understand why (it occurred launching directly TekkenGame.exe or even through RocketLauncher). Using TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe gave same result : a random launching or closing game... And something really surprising happened... BEST RESULT! I really need somebody to explain me why I have better result launching it through RocketLauncher when settings are the same... I don't even understand why.... but I think I don't need original executable for TeknoParrot anymore ^^ I just need help to understand why game is working when he decided to! But after multiple tries I can confirm launching it through RocketLauncher gave best result! Last try I had to launch 3 times game through RocketLauncher before it launched succesfully. Two first times it closed immediately. Thanks!
  17. Like I said in my message, Patch folder isn't part of game archive, I use Trymado's Hyperspin files (no games included, I have to add them manually, editing TeknoParrot and RocketLauncher configurations to match mine and sometimes differents configurations for games) and he added patches for games under that folder, when there's some. So under Patch folder for VF5C I have (you can see I added executables for Game Loader All RH by his date) : I don't see any relation. Only thing I think of concerning TeknoParrot is WIndowed mode like I said in my message. But launching it through GLARH solve issue (windowed mode can be unticked under TeknoParrot). Anyway if you want it fullscreen you'll have to deal with GLARH. PS : I have shared my settings just in case some people are in the same situation. But like I said, sometimes known working configurations aren't working for me... sometimes I have to use a completely different one... so maybe it is the case for you here. For example some directly tick fullscreen mode on GLARH's Window size tab, I don't.
  18. Kleyon

    Game Loader All Rh

    I am new to Arcade PC too but right, it is hard to say without knowing concerned games. This can have a lot of causes! Error message gives you some advices but generally that means a bad loader mode (not supoorted by this game) or a bad setting somewhere. Like it is said on Game Loader All RH guide, starting by testing loader mode -1 and not doing too much modifications is a good beginning. Then you can adjust settings if it's working that way (by trying another loader mode, adding filters...). I have a vast majority of games working just fine directly on TeknoParrot or using Game Loader All RH. Most times already existing configurations are working fine, sometimes I am forced to use a completely different configuration for the game to work! And let me tell you that tests can take hours for a game... This far I have 10 dumps having issues (no controller or bad resolution or not working...) over 80 of them. For example, some games most people run using TeknoParrot aren't working for me so I use Game Loader All RH in that case. Or some games are working using mode loader -1 for many poeple and I am forced to switch to loader mode dg for it to work (it is a rare case). What I've learned this far : I start now by testing game using directly TeknoParrot, if it don't works, I add GLARH starting from the most basic configuration and try to go as far as possible. Of course, taking a look at corresponding game topic on Emuline is a good idea too and can bring some solutions sometimes.
  19. EDIT: I finally got it to work in a correct ratio using fullscreen mode on my 4K TV! That's pretty weird but when I use vf5 files prepared with higher resolutions, image is considered too big and I only have a part of this on screen. Maybe it's linked to desktop resolution and signal resolution... I realized my computer is now just resizing by modifing desktop resolution but not signal resolution anymore, this way my signal resolution is always 3840x2160.... I think it's because the latest drivers update. Signal resolution was changed on other games prior to this (not changing in any game now). So I finally used vf5 -wsvga 1280x720, -wxga2 1366x768, cause thread author talked about 1366x768 resolution. Under Game Loader Config , on Loader settings 1 tab, I used wsvga parameter, indicated 1280x720 for resolution and clicked on patch and save. Under Game Loader Config, on Window size tab, I didn't touch anything, setting is set to 0 and I did not tick full screen (Windowed is unticked under TeknoParrot). In fact not completely, intro video is having vertical black bands, and seems like menus are having those bands too (but not blackened). Gameplay result in a clean fullscreen... seems like it is normal. Original screenshots are in 3840x2160 like I said resolution signal is always the same ( I add an external link hosting gameplay original screenshot). Original gameplay screenshot : No other way here to have a clean fullscreen, wxga2 parameter and 1366x768 resolution was giving me an image a little bit too big (so having a part over display). I have Ack SYNC Code Error too, it doesn't really seems to be an issue as game is launching and playable. I see a lot of people using Disk0 folder, my archive wasn't having Disk0 folder so I just directly put shaderfix on rom folder, that worked. That being said, I hope you understood TeknoParrot can't launch this game in fullscreen, to launch it directly using TeknoParrot you need to select windowed mode. That's why people here are using Game Loader All RH to perform fullscreen (in that case windowed mode can be unchecked on TeknoParrot settings). My game folder (simply was like it once uncompressed), just Patch folder wasn't a part of game archive (and Game Loader All RH files too of course, I use version 379 since links to older versions are dead, only have 378 and 330 too). So I just uncompressed shaderfix archive under rom folder.
  20. I did it a really basic way using batch files and launching them throught RocketLauncher. It is working pretty fine but I have an issue, a TeknoParrot exception error is generated when closing game. Error window is closing pretty fast but I am asking myself if there's a way to ignore TeknoParrot erros? Here is an example for my batch files: @echo off copy /y iccard.* C:\ start /w G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=ShiningForceCrossRaid.xml copy /y C:\iccard.* .\ del C:\iccard.* Batch file and iccard files are in game folder (where exe is), I simply copy files to C:\ before launching game, I'm asking to wait for TeknoParrot to close (I suppose that's what generated the exception error) then I copy back files to game folder. To conclude I delete files located on C:\ (just to clean things). I am sure there is a better way to do it (like using RocketLauncher Pre-Launch and Post-Launch functions I suppose) but it's a way too complex for me by now. Again, anyone is having an idea on how to ignore TeknoParrot errors please?
  21. Kleyon

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi everyone, Help! Please, can anyone answer me? I have issues concerning AllRH 379 + TeknoParrot, I am able to set and launch Chase HQ2 and Battle Gear 4 Tuned but using loader mode 6 at best (only those two games for now as I try to fully understand AllRH and TeknoParrot) . I see some users launching games using loader mode dg and dgvoodoo for best results (HD patches). Of course, both games are TP versions. Using dgvoodoo in Chase HQ2 always result in a black start screen only having INSERT COIN on it then it crash. I tried every emulated graphic card possible, sometimes it just don't works (game isn't launching) sometimes it works but end-up to this black screen just having INSERT COIN. I tried DLLs from HD patch, DLLs from latest dgvoodoo and result is always the same.
  22. Salut à tous, Je vois que ça parle pas mal français par ici alors je me permets ^^ L'émulation Taito Type-X c'est tout nouveau pour moi et je dois avouer que j'ai un peu de mal. Un peu d'aide ne serait pas de refus. Pour commencer, hélas le Pack Game Toolz 1.0 dont il est question dans les TIPS n'est pas accessible, j'ai donc dû faire sans. Au tout début du sujet, lors de la présentation des émulateurs, il est conseillé d'utiliser AllRH, je m'exécute donc! J'ai commencé par m'exercer sur Chase HQ 2, cependant allRH demandant les fichiers de Teknoparrot, j'ajoute également la dernière version de celui-ci. Je configure un peu tout ça, et au final je lance le jeu en 1920x1080 en loader mode 6, la manette 360 fonctionne pas de problème de ce côté-là. Par contre graphiquement?! Je me demande si je suis dans la configuration optimale là car le rendu n'est pas fameux. J'ai tenté en 3840x2160 mais je subis quelques ralentissements (ce que je trouve étonnant avec ma config, voir sous mon pseudo). Concernant Battle Gear 4 Tuned, le constat est un peu le même (pas testé en 2160p ceci dit), et je vois dans son sujet que certains utilisent le loader mode bg en émulant une carte Nvidia FX5700, j'ai testé, ah on voit clairement dès le lancement que les écritures sont plus nettes et..... I/O error, merci aurevoir. J'ai tenté de changer de Xinput à Dinput pour voir si c'était lié mais non.... Edit: J'ai finalement trouvé les "patchs" HD pour Chase HQ2 et Battle Gear 4 Tuned, en somme les fichiers dgvoodoo (ce qui confirme donc ce qu'il me semblait avoir compris sur ce point). Cependant, j'utilise AllRH 379 et celui-ci génére son propre dgvoodoo qu'il appelle Game Loader dgVoodooCpl.exe. Du coup je ne suis pas dûr qu'il prenne en compte les fichiers du patch, j'ai également tenté de renommer le dgvodoo du patch pour lui donner le nom que génère AllRH mais toujours pareil I/O error. Utiliser les DLLs fournies avec le patch ou celles du site dgvoodoo ne change rien (dans mon dossier SysWow64.. et même system32). Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aiguiller vers les infos que j'aurai manquées ou aurait quelques conseils à prodiguer svp? Merci. Long story short: New to Taito Type X emulation and not really sure I have an optimal result on games I tested this far (Chase HQ2 and Battle Gear 4 Tuned), I'm trying to understand what I missed concerning HD patches and how dgvoodoo works regarding I'm using AllRH 379. Always havin an I/O error:libraly, Using DLLs from patches or from dgvoodoo website doesn't change anything (under SysWow64 folder... and even system32).
  23. I agree, link is dead, it will be really cool to provide a new one! Thanks.
  24. @larazaa75 simply edit batch file to have matching executable name, by defaut singe 2 executable is named Singe-v2.00-Windows-x86_64.exe, on this batch, user renamed executable to be Singe.exe. @poiu Thanks a lot for this, like all other Laser Disc Games but I have a question, why there is two videos in this archive please? Under video folder, the first one is about 2.53Go and 25:19 (so the one used by default). There is a new foler inside video folder containing another video that is about 2.45Go and 24:35. Both seems to be Japanese audio, can you explain that difference please? Another question is : there is no way to have english audio on it? Seems like I can't do it myself, it will not be that simple, because Singe english version video is about 24:51 so simply muxing audio isn't possible, duration don't match. Thanks! Please forgive me, I'm french, I can partially understand english speech but I can't understand japanese speech at all! ^^ But I agree it still cool to have japanese audio for alternative.
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