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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kleyon

  1. @bucksoverfame, @EmuAl is right, screenshot he is showing is where you'll set your game and how it will react on fade. For GLARH games that's quite simple, here is an example correctly working on fade without error and GLARH being detected (AppWaitExe is enough here, well we shoudn't have to set it as it is the same as application but it is working as it here), I personaly use only one fade for all TeknoParrot content (GLARH/JConfig content is here too... it is a vast majority of TeknoParrot anyway): For TeknoParrot content, I have to play with Misc tab (what EmuAI's screenshot is about) and FadeTitle to be correctly detected (and some seems to not be always detected...)
  2. Je ne sais pas si le sujet a déjà été abordé, mais je permets de le poster au cas-où. I don't know if this has already been aborded, but I post it just in case. Cela concerne les personnes appliquant une mise à l'échelle de leur affichage du bureau, franchement indispensable dans certains cas (ici en 4K sur une TV de 58") si on veut pouvoir se passer d'une loupe! La solution que je présente ici est surtout utile en cas d'utilisation d'un front-end (Hyperspin/Rocket Launcher pour ma part). This concerns people who are applying a scaling on their desktop display, frankly indispensable in some cases (here in 4K on a 58" TV) if you want to be able to do without a magnifier! Solution I present here is especially useful when using a front-end (Hyperspin/RocketLauncher in my case). Le problème étant la façon dont Windows 10 gère la mise à l'échelle, certains dumps arcade peuvent s'en trouver affecter (pas tous ce qui est étonnant), parfois on obtient uniquement une partie de l'image étirée sur tout l'écran, parfois l'image ne prend qu'un quart de l'écran laissant les 3/4 noirs. Issue is how Windows 10 manage scaling, some arcade dumps can be affected by this (not all of them which is suprising), sometimes you only get a part of the image stretched on the whole screen, sometimes the image only takes up a quarter of the screen and the rest appears as black. Voici un exemple avec Aliens Extermination lancé depuis TeknoParrot et patché pour s'afficher en 3840x2160 (bien sûr ma résolution d'affichage et sa mise à l'échelle sont restées les mêmes): Here is an example, Aliens Extermination launched through TeknoParrot, game has been patched to 3840x2160 (of course my desktop resolution and scale remained the same): On pourrait "facilement" régler le problème en modifiant les paramètres PPP élevés pour qu'ils soient gérés par l'application: We could "easily" fix that issue by changing the high DPI settings to be handled by the application: On obtient alors: To obtain: MAIS cela peut causer des problèmes sur d'autres dumps, ce qui nous amène à l'exemple suivant! BUT this can cause issue for other dumps, leading us to next example! Essayons maintenant Too Spicy pour voir : Let's try Too Spicy now: Ce n'est pas vraiment ce que l'on veut! Mais alors, si on annule les changements effectués de PPP élevés? This is not really what we want! But hey, what if we undo changes made on DPI high settings? Tout simplement, comme je l'ai dis au début, cela n'affecte pas tous les jeux, celui-ci ne l'était pas mais en changeant le paramètre nous l'avons affecté: It's simply beause, like I said it before, this is not affecting all dumps, this one wasn't but changing parameter affected it: La solution que j'utilise consiste simplement à lancer les dumps concernés à l'aide d'un script basique, visant à modifier la clef de registre pour l'application concernée (ici TeknoParrotUI), uniquement pour la session actuelle, puis de lancer le jeu pour enfin rétablir la clef de registre telle qu'elle était, donc en laissant le paramètre PPP par défaut (rien de précisé) j'utilise ce script pour Aliens Extermination: Solution I use here simply consist to launch concerned dumps using a basic batch file, that will set registry key for concerned application (here TeknoParrotUI), only for current user, then to launch game and finally to restore resgitry key as it was, so letting High DPI setting by default (nothing set), I use this script for Aliens Exterminations: @echo off rem SET DPI SETTINGS TO BE APP MANAGED ON TEKNOPARROTUI REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /V "G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUI.exe" /T REG_SZ /D ~HIGHDPIAWARE /F rem LAUNCH ALIENS EXTERMINATION WAITING FOR IT TO CLOSE BEFORE CONTINUING Start /w "" G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=AliensExtermination.xml --startMinimized rem SET DPI SETTINGS BACK TO DEFAULT ON TEKNOPARROTUI REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /V "G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUI.exe" /T REG_SZ /D ~DPIUNAWARE /F De fait, lorsque je lance Too Spicy ensuite, le paramètre par défaut a déjà été rétabli et celui-ci s'affiche correctement. This way, if I launch Too Spicy next, default setting has been already restored and this one is launching correctly. Ici nous avons vu le cas TeknoParrot qui peut être facilement géré par l'executable TeknoParrotUI.exe, si cela se produit sur un dump utilisant Game Loader All RH alors vous ferez cette manipulation sur l'executable de celui-ci, sur un dump utilisant JConfig... C'est l'executable du jeu que vous allez cibler. Notons que cela aurait marché en ciblant l'exécutable d'Aliens Extermination aussi, mais cela oblige à faire des scripts ciblant la clef de registre par dump, quand la même clef de registre peut gérer tout le contenu TeknoParrot concerné. Here we have talked about TeknoParrot case that can be easily managed through TenoParrotUI.exe executable, if this happens on a dump using Game Loader All RH so you'll do that on his executable, on a dump using JConfig... This is the game executable is to be triggered. Note that it would have work by applying it directly to Aliens Exterminations executable too, but this way you will be forced to do a specific script to trigger resgitry key for each concerned dump when this resgistry key can work on all TeknoParrot content. Pour conclure, voyons le cas Rocket Launcher, ici seul le fade est touché, les jeux se lancent correctement étant gérés par le paramètre de TeknoParrotUI. Si nous n'effectuons aucune modification sur son exécutable: To conclude, let's see Rocket Launcher case, here only fade is concerned, games are launching correctly being managed by settings on TeknoParrotUI. If we don't make any change on his executable: Ici, le paramètre est différent puisque je vais lui dire que cela soit géré par le système et non plus par l'application comme pour TeknoParrotUI, de plus ce changement sera définitif: Here, setting is different as I will set it to be system managed and not application managed like on TeknoParrotUI case, and this change will be permanent: Pour obtenir un fade correct (concerne uniquement la borne d'arcade animée dans le coin inférieur droit): To obtain a correct fade (only concerns animated arcade cabinet on lower right corner): Comme cela, tout fonctionnera correctement par Hyperspin sans avoir à apporter de modification sur son exécutable. Si vous voyez certains dumps réagir comme cela, vous pouvez gagner beaucoup de temps de tests fastidieux en commençant par tester cela! This way, all will works fine through Hyperspin without having to change setting on his executable. If you are experiencing it for some dumps, you can save a lot of time in tedious tests starting by trying it! PS: Sur la même clef de registre vous pouvez utiliser les valeurs "~ RUNASADMIN" pour bien entendu lancer l'application en tant qu'administrateur, ou encore "~ DPIUNAWARE" pour que la mise à léchelle PPP élevée soit gérée par le système (comme nous l'avons fait ici sur Rocket Launcher), la seule différence entre cette valeur et celle rétablissant la valeur par défaut est un espace! On the same registry key you can use values "~ RUNASADMIN" to, of course, launch application as administraor, or "~ DPIUNAWARE" to set High DPI Settings to be manged by system (like on Rocket Launcher here), only difference between value that restore default is a space!
  3. Vous traduisez du Japonais? Je ne peux pas traduire du Japonais hélas, mais si c'est de l'anglais, je peux travailler sur les fichiers que vous voulez aussi, suffit de me dire comment ^^ Edit: D'ailleurs, je me disais que nous avons certains jeux patchés anglais mais pas français, si on pouvait monter une petite équipe pour les faire en français ça serait cool (je pense notament à Arcana Heart 3 LM6S que j'ai patché anglais à l'aide de GLARH). Je ne connais pas trop le côté technique de ces jeux arcade, je l'eu fais pour des jeux PSVita. C'était TheRaidzu qui m'avait appris tout ça à l'époque... Donc soit faudrait me dire comment vous procédez, soit je peux donner du temps côté trad...
  4. @bucksoverfame Not with this one but with other Unreal arcade games before yes. I finally installed Unreal Engine 4 prerequisites and everything worked fine, you should give it a try!
  5. Yes you're right, I edited it because it was going nowhere. I really don't see why, like you said maybe a created file?!
  6. There's something I just can't understand concerning Batlle Gear 4 Tuned! 1 - If I set it for JConfig, I can have it fullscreen launching "gameM.exe _MTS_FULL_SCREEN_.bat" that in fact does "game.exe _MTS_FULL_SCREEN_" 2 - If I set it for TeknoParrot, it launches full screen the first time, ask for I/O calibration and close once it's done. Game is launching fine after that but only windowed! 3 - JConfig or TeknoParrot I can't make dgvoodoo HD patch to work! Game is crashing at video intro or at start race if you skip intro. Patch is working on Battle Gear 4 however! Even tried dgvoodoo files for BG4 and gave me same result. I use dgvoodoo for Arcana Heart 2 too (using D3D12 or I was having blank background) and for Cars too (was having a green or pink screen if it wasn't set to D3D12), surprising point is that BG4 patch works as it, using an older dgvoodoo without D3D12. So please, how the hell do you launch it fullscreen using TeknoParrot please? Borderless Gaming didn't solved issue (game is fullscreen but is only about a little square at the top left). I am having the same dgvoodoo issue on Chase HQ2 too, whatever I try (dgvoodoo and DLL versions, settings). Does anyone have any idea why it doesn't works please?
  7. J'ai bien peur qu'il ait raison, je viens de vérifier car j'en étais même pas sûr, il est bien MPH et je ne vois pas comment lancer le test mode... ou peut-être cette info est-elle dans un fichier de configuration, dans les premières pages, ils décortiquent les fichiers INI, j''en ai vu un parler de langue, peut-être que... je jette à nouveau un coup d’œil. Non visiblement rien pour changer de miles en kilomètres, mais j'aimerai bien faire sauter le freeplay moi.... et peut-être tester de changer la langue ^^ Donc si quelqu'un sait comment on accède au mode opérateur ou quels fichiers modifier, je suis intéressé ^^ : J'ai trouvé le fichier concernant le freeplay : \ShellData\ShellData.ini, ou même \Daytona\config.ini, puis j'ai réalisé qu'il n'y avait pas de bouton prévu pour les pièces dans TeknoParrot... encore un jeu où on doit être en freeplay pour pouvoir y jouer je suppose, dommage ^^
  8. Okay, sorry, I didn't know that specific case concerning UpToBox! I know some hosting sites can be blocked on some countries like I said before but I thought UpToBox was better when living on US. My bad.
  9. Kleyon


    Damn.... Sega arcade systems were the bests for me! Well, except Japan and maybe USA, arcade was already pretty rare elsewhere. Regarding hardware we have at home now, it's been some years that arcade isn't having an advantage on home entertainment (I mean in term of performance and graphics). But I was still enjoying arcade style!
  10. That's why I was talking about JDownloader, it didn't occurred in my case.
  11. Thanks to everyone for their comments! I spend some time but I finally succeeded. So I have modified existing Xpadder profile on dump to use my X360 controller. As I can't figure out how to correctly stroke (send) keys using an AHK script, I simply mapped Alt+Pgup to D-Pad Up and Alt+PgDwn to DPadDwn. Everything is working fine now. I can confirm, editing mxGetHwInfo.ini doesn't have any effect, resolution isn't changed, anyway it is working fullscreen as it for me, so it's ok.
  12. It' not ViRuS-MaN's fault but UpToBox one. I agree it is not the best hosting site choice he could have made but hey it is what it is. Like all others hosting site, I use JDownloader to download stuff, yes you have to wait between two files but I simply launch multiples links and let JDownloader doing the job. Files are always downloading once waiting time finished. Knowing you have to wait between two files, I started by dumps on a single archive and sent multiple archives dumps in a second time. This way I was having some of them to work on. As I can sometime spend a lot of time on a dump to make it work, believe me, JDownloader has been faster than me and I rapidly accumulated dumps to install ^^ These days, my computer was downloading even when I was sleeping so... good morning! PS : It's pretty hard to determinate the "best" hosting site since country from where you are downloading can affect one or another hosting site. In France, it's been a time (a long long time ago lol) when UpToBox was pretty good and cool (like Mega when it still was MegaUpload). 1fichier was pretty cool too but have waiting time too now (half less than UpToBox). Zippyshare is a good choice here because there is no wait time at all, it is just needed to split in more parts. But for now, Zippyshare (like UpToBox) must be used through JDownloader... not really safe anymore... opening those links on browser cause an antivirus alert. You can get rid off that using JDownloader. Well to conclude, finding a good hosting site is complicated and depend on geographical zone and even time... Generally hosting sites are pretty good for a certain amount of time then degrades.... In my opinion, ViRuS-MaN's website is a real gold mine (like Trymado's Seedbox too), I agree it is not using the best hosting site but like I said... And talking about Trymado's seedbox, there you can download without any waiting time and at really fast speed ^^ But it is about Taito Type X / NesicaXLive contents. I used that method to bypass Mega limit bandwidth too but it depends on VPN you are using (and country you are located on) once again, sometimes you just don't have access to file and/or sometimes it is really slow!
  13. Kleyon

    Game Loader All Rh

    That's a good question, when you install GLARH in portable mode, you can see all of is stuff under Sv folder. I didn't noticed any Borderless Gaming but you're right, seems like it works the same way, maybe it is directly implemented to code. I don't change my desktop resolution before launching a game, it will be a real mess to play those dumps using a front-end. So I do all needed tests to be sure game will be correctly shown, keeping my desktop resolution and scale. For most of dumps it isn't that hard, TeknoParrot and JConfig or GLARH can do the job by itself but some dumps are interacting with those settings (most of time through front-end). Like I said in a previous comment, playing with DPI settings for concerned emulator/game (on executable properties, telling it to be application managed or system managed) can help. Sometimes games internal resolution are pretty strange (Too Spicy seems to have a native resolution of 1280x768, I didn't succeed in having a clean fullscreen, at best I lost a small part of image at the top).
  14. Does anyone knows if we can have a crosshair on Block King Ball Shooter please?
  15. Kleyon

    Game Loader All Rh

    I have an issue concerning Chaos Code New Sign of Catastrophe v2.11. I only was able to start this game using GLARH, it is now working fine but I still have an issue when selecting skills: Edit: Issue fixed, it was due to language that was set to english on GLARH Loader Settings 1 tab, switched it to Japanese solved issue: But I have another issue, I didn't noticed it first because it is not happening all the time (oh and yeah switched to wide sreen on test mode, issue was already here before), just look at Celia, it can occurs on all characters. Does anyone knows how to fix it please?
  16. Hi everyone, I have an issue and since I launch this dump using jvs_loader with JConfig I ask it here (and since I didn't find solution on the Internet). So it is about BlazBlue Calamity Trigger. Game is working fine, except for fact I have to turn on the two controllers that have been set for it to launch (if I only turn on one game simply isn't launching). I wish we could set two controllers and sometimes play just using one... Well my issue concern unlock code! I don't know why but it doesn't works for me! The first step is ok, when I press start during 5 seconds I can hear the first coin sound, then pressing D, Right, B did nothing. I am blocked at this step. I've tested controllers buttons on test mode and they are all working. I correctly understood right? D refers to D-Drive Button (so button 3) and B refers to B-Medium Attack (so button 1)? So can someone explains me why it isn't working please? Edit: Solved, buttons aren't what they supposed to be! So looking at button configuration Type A in-game finally understood : A = Light Attack = A button for me (1) B = Medium Attack = B button for me (2) C = Heavy Attack = X button for me (3) D = Drive = Y button for me (4) So really different from picutre on JConfig's fandom. Anyway it worked.
  17. Kleyon


    À nouveau... désolé mais j'ai déjà fait un commentaire imposant alors j'ai préféré en faire un autre. Again... sorry I already made an imposing comment so I prefered to post another one. Je n'ai pas trouvé de thème pour Fighting Ex Layer alors j'en ai fais un, toujours un thème basique, je ne fais pas de fichiers SWF. Puisque je n'ai pas trouvé de vidéo non plus, j'en ai fait une également. Cette fois le cadre de la vidéo n'est prévu que pour une vidéo en 16/9, voici un aperçu: I did not find any theme for Fighting Ex Layer so I did one, always basic theme, I don't do SWF files. Since I didn't find any videosnap I did one too. This time vide overlay is only intended for 16/9 videosnap, here is a preview : Voici les liens (soyez avertis, la vidéo fait 73.4Mo): Here are links (be warned video is about 73.4Mo): Theme - Video
  18. Thanks for this information. However, how can we play using 6 buttons when fifth button is opening Test Mode?! I explain myself: I am using an X360 controller so I've set XInput, set 6 buttons for P1 : A - X - B - Y - LB - RB assigned to P1 Button 1 to 6, then I used LT and RT to be P3 Button 5 and 6. Service and Test mode haven't been even set. P1 Buttons 1 to 4 are working fine, but when I press LB (Button 5) its open test mode... EDIT : Understood, P3 Button 5 and 6 are becoming P1 Button 5 and 6. Whatever has been set using XInput, LB still opens Test mode and LT still add credit... must remeber to not press it, finally pressing start without credit close game So to conclude, I've set P1/P3 Buttons 5 and 6 to RB and RT, working but not really intuitive. Plus now game is crashing sometimes with a fatal error message (don't really know if it's linked but it didn't occured before). Random fatal error has been fixed. I was using the (in)famous FightingExLayer_2020_07_10_1.1.7z JConfig version, I tells (in)famous cause it isn't available on fandom anymore and I starts to understand why. Well... I replaced it by latest JConfig64 and latest iDmacDrv64. Buttons case still true. PS : I saw people talking about launching game from C drive, don't know if it's outdated condition but I launch it from G drive without any virtual drive. Sorry for double post, I didn't mention I was still being the one that made last comment.
  19. That's what I was starting to ask myself... Direct 3D and INIT RENDER error too, files are matching @gasabbath ones.
  20. Kleyon

    Game Loader All Rh

    @cybermat no reason game is behind front-end, I use Hyperspin+RocketLauncher, I've set some dumps using Game Loader All RH and it's working fine. I often indicate directly Game Loader All RH.exe for concerned game under RocketLauncher but sometimes I use a batch file too. Fact game is above front-end can be caused by another application, for example, sometimes (even when minimized) Discord window is appearing when I launch a dump and stay above game! In that case I just kill Discord. See if you have a non-essential application running and try to kill it. An example pointing directly to Game Loader All RH executable: Another example using a batch file (well this one isn't using GLARH but it's the same method): @POPO69, je n'ai pas tout compris mais je ne vois pas de raison pour qu'un fichier batch modifie le comportement de Game Loader All RH, par contre les patchs ça oui ça arrive... après il faut s'amuser avec certaines applications comme Borderless Gaming ou SRWE pour ajuster l'affichage si cela ne peut être correctement effectué directement dans les réglages de Game Loader All RH pour le cas présent. Après, peut-être est-ce Demulshooter qui cause cette incidence?!
  21. Thanks again @meddu69 for your advices! I'll try this! Thanks @sk8t too for new Jconfig, another new dump to test, cool!
  22. Using Xbox360 controller and had same issue when updating JConfigSRG, I first tried to set buttons again, then I finally ticked "fake analog pedals" and it worked.... Don't know if it's really needed.
  23. I already tried playing with SRWE_236 cause I have an issue on ID8 4K fullscreen, as you can see I lost part of image eveywhere (top, left, bottom and right): But if I succeed to make it match vertically, nothing to do horizontally (I can change value but it simply does nothing)... So I just gave up for now, I still need to find a solution for it. Regarding Storm Racer G, you're right, I just tested it and Borderless Gaming did the job an easier way (I just added application to favorites and it automatically switch to fullscreen) and do it right! Edit : I can't answer concerning nitro and wheel since I did not set my T300RS GT in any game yet... I am near finishing installing content, this is the next step ^^
  24. Thanks @petje, Fandom link hasn't been updated yet so it's pretty cool to share it here. I was hoping I could untick DX Window Mode and have a working fullscreen mode but no change on this side. I still need to find a way to launch it in fullscreen mode. But I think it doesn't make sense anymore that it still a TeknoParrot Patreon game... since it can be launched without it now... For information, it's interesting but MSAA is working on RX580! My previous screenshot was having MSAA deactivated cause I thought it was needed for all GPUs. But... hummm, which one is MSAA for you? First (unticked) or second (ticked)? I have an idea but honestly I'm not sure (since seems like we can't open graphic menu anymore using 7 on keyboard). It isn't really clear having this MSAA on/off option... Maybe just a MSAA off will be better (so you know if you tick it you are disabling MSAA):
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