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Tout ce qui a été posté par oddeye45

  1. I have an i5 11400 and an RTX 3050LP in a crappy Asus Aspire XC-1660 and my system runs it without a problem (other than the fans are pretty loud. Make of that what you will.
  2. I second this. I'm not complaining at anyone but it was a shame that it was only online for a few hours. Unfortunately, this was night time here in the UK so I missed it. Thanks.
  3. Ouch. I'm running Op 3 (not sure on versions etc)...I don't have those two tabs at the top of my list so I'll have to look into what to do. Mine looks like this: And then when I click on All Music:
  4. Does anybody know how many songs there should be in total if the above has worked? I currently have 77 songs but I don't know if that is the full amount or no on Op3. Thanks in advance.
  5. With the help of a very kind member of the community I now have it working. It has been explained to me why the instructions are not just posted here and I understand. If anybody else needs helps send a PM and I will message you the instructions privately as per the instructions I received. I have not managed to get the xinput part working so I had to play on keyboard. I also couldn't figure out the resolution so I played on a vertical monitor so I will not be able to help out with any of those issues. Thanks to the guy that helped me. He knows who he is.
  6. I know this has been asked already but nobody seems to be responding...does anybody know (and is willing to explain) exactly how you make the files do anything that resembles a working game? Apologies if it appears that I am asking with some kind of tone (I am not), but it is like it is a huge secret that nobody is willing to share. As you can see, I don't post too frequently but, when I do, it is either to ask for guidance or to give guidance where I can. Are we not all in the arcade emulation enthusiast community? Why do we hesitate to help each other? Anyway, I would be very appreciative if anyone can point me in the correct direction. I have downloaded the latest Segatools. I have no idea what exactly they do or how to use them. I cannot see anything in the rar file that looks like it talks about this particular game. Many thanks in advance if you are that somebody. Suffice to say, if I do manage to figure it out by myself I will post exactly what I did to get it working. Merci beaucoup. A bientot. I have figured a little bit out (I remember doing something similar for SWDC)... You have to modify a segatools.ini with paths to different things (amfs, appdata etc). My download does not seem to have these files in them (I think they are ICF or something similar). Anyway, if I remember/find them, I'll update here. Thanks.
  7. For those having issues with the game returning to desktop - for me, the solution was to follow the steps given by Grangler: 1) Delete monitor_input.bin and monitor_misc.bin from the Win64 directory 2) Use JConfig to set the controls - then save and exit JConfig 3) Right-click the StreetFighterV.exe file and create a shortcut 4) Right-click the created shortcut and go to "Properties" 5) Click on the "Shortcut" tab and click into the "Target" box 6) At the end of the text string in that box (example - D:\Street Fighter V Arcade 353\game\WindowsNoEditor\StreetFighterV\Binaries\Win64\StreetFighterV.exe") you need to add the following without the brackets but including the spaces ( -resx=2560 -resy=1440) Obviously, you add the resolution that you want to play at (I happen to use 1440p). Then double-click the shortcut to run the game. Once I did this, the game booted up fine each time without the need for TP and Patreon. I hope this helps (although the solution is from Grangler and not me - I just typed out the exact steps I used based on his Youtube video).
  8. Hi Zoft, Thanks for this as I now have the game working. Can I just check what the control bindings should be in order to play the game "properly"? I use Gun4ir so I assume, to get an arcade-like experience, I would have the gun in one hand and use the other as an arcade stick? I'm just trying to imagine what the original controls would have been in the arcade as I have never seen this machine before. Thanks.
  9. Hi everyone, I grabbed a copy of this but, on my one, the video doesn't fill the screen and the audio stutters. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
  10. You build an IR gun using whatever your favourite gun shells are (I've built two using G-con 45, one with Guncon 2 and two with Top Shot Elite) and then the software is running on the gun via an Arduino. You do need four IR LEDs around the screen and then that's it. All of the processing is done on the Arduino so there is no using up resources from the PC, no need for a border etc. and you get perfect line of sight. If you look up some of the videos on YouTube you'll see various different approaches to this. The downside is that you have to build it yourself so if you don't like that sort of thing then I would suggest the AE lightgun. Personally, I preferred building it myself as I could customise it the way I wanted (including how many buttons and where the buttons are located) and I can repair anything that goes wrong myself. I haven't used the AE lightgun myself but it looks to work in a very similar way to the Gun4IR. I had originally ordered some Sindens but I was put off by the bezels, the fact that two instances of the software have to run if you want two player and the processing is done by your PC so I felt that may impact on performance for my machine. Other than that, again, they look pretty good in terms of accuracy etc but I went with Gun4IR because I could have whatever guns I wanted. I have just ordered the Official arcade Point Blank guns (with recoil) and the House of the Dead 4 arcade Uzi's and I will convert those for use with Gun4IR. If you look at Gustav's channel he gives a good idea of what can be done with the system: Lost World: Jurassic Park (Sega Model 3/SuperModel) GUN4IR system - YouTube
  11. I use GUN4IR. Complete line-of-sight accuracy and really easy to set up with TP. For other things (like JConfig) it is straight forward to setup but can be a bit trickier if you want to set up two working guns (you usually need Demulshooter to get it to work). I would avoid Aimtrack if I were you; you'll only be disappointed.
  12. oddeye45

    Sinden lightguns

    Although this may be a bit late for you, have you looked into GUN4IR? I had originally bought a set of Sindens but I disliked the idea of having to have extra software and a border running (x2 if you want to play 2 player) so I canceled and went with GUN4IR. As well as being super accurate, you can put the system into whatever gun you like and you can set up ahk scripts to set the recoil and mode on a per game basis. I have built 5 guns already (2 x Guncon 45, 2 x Top Shot Elite, 1 x Guncon 2) and I am in the process of buying some original Time Crisis Arcade guns. Look it up on YouTube - you won't be disappointed.
  13. 1. I get it to work by scripting them in using ahk. I can attach one if you like so that you can see how to do it. 2. No idea. I turn the shader off and use the one that is found in Demul itself.
  14. You need GUN4IR. Without a doubt it is the best that I have used and, if you know how to solder, you can build the system yourself into whichever gun shell you prefer. I have done this using Gun-con 45, Gun-con 2 and Top Shot Pro Elite and it is line-of-sight accurate. All of the parts you need are fairly cheap and the only difficult bit is getting hold of the IR cameras (depends on which country you live in). The other option is Sinden guns but I didn't like the idea of having to run additional software to use my guns so I went for GUN4IR as it was cheaper, less hassle (for me) and I can modify them into whatever gun form I prefer. They are also really easy to setup with MAME, TeknoParrot, Demul, RPCS3, PCSX2, Dolphin and so on. Look it up on Google or Youtube or go to the discord for more help. There are also people that you can go to that will build them for you if you don't know how to solder (again, this depends on your country) but I am well happy with my guns.
  15. I think I had the same issue that you are running into. On mine the issue was caused by my graphics card (I found out by trying to get it to run on my Surface Book. I now get it to run using JConfig. I had to use the "Novsync" file to get it to run properly. It does run on TP but I have not been able to figure out how to resolve the problem on my main computer but, from what I can gather, it has something to do with the refresh rates.
  16. Ok. Thank you. It must have worked then.
  17. Is there a list somewhere of what songs are included in the Omnimix patch? I'm trying to figure out if my "unlock all songs" patch has worked. Thanks.
  18. The version of the game I got from Virus Man's website. Is this the correct version of files etc.? If not, which files should it be?
  19. Win 10 ver 20H2 32GB RAM Intel i7-6700K 4GHz nVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 All other TP games that I have work (about 25 games). This game will boot if I just run the exe (and add the required JConfig files) so I know my system can run the game. But I cannot configure JConfig due to other issues which is why I'm trying to get it to run on TP.
  20. This is the screen I get: Then it returns to TP.
  21. Ok. But doe this actually work on TeknoParrot? I see it there in the "Add Game" menu but has anybody managed to get it running on TeknoParrot? If so, how was it done. JConfig does not work for me as it does not allow me to bind any controls (not a problem with JConfig; it's something to do with my computer) so TeknoParrot is the only option for me to try this out? Thanks in advance.
  22. I bought an Iiyama T2252MSC 10 point touchscreen on Amazon. I was about £150 and it works really well on that screen. It is also great for playing Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Terminal, All of the Shining Force games and Puyo Puyo on TeknoParrot.
  23. I think it was the "1" button on the keyboard.
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