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Tout ce qui a été posté par hippopippo

  1. original dump has been lost over the years : there is a copy with the original .bin if it helps:
  2. it's virus-free, another great Argon's plugin !
  3. use service button until the devs fix the problem (yes esc doesn't work atm)
  4. add your AIME ID in TPUI
  5. 1.00.00 : aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL2wwcmNxOGRyNW13MDBycS9TREpHX0pHMTBfMjAyMjA2MjkyMjIxMDhfMC43ei9maWxl 1.01.00 : aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlLzlsejlnNndwcjcxZHZnOS9NaWxrY2hhbisoU0RKRysxLjAxLjAwKS43ei9maWxl 1.02.00 : aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL2FremJjYWhzMGVmZWZsMS9taWxrY2hhbjEyLjd6L2ZpbGU=
  6. if you look at some posts above the link is available on pixeldrain, download from there and rename the file
  7. Enable both Broadband & Naomi networking in advance menu and wait till network is established
  8. Sega Driving Simulator needs japan bios
  9. IDZ 2.20 is base version from Install DVD : part1 : part2 : opt pack :
  10. hippopippo


    Grab TSUNAMI.iso here : Follow steps here :
  11. 28 oct 2023 : what's New Naomi F355 multiboard Sega SystemSP emulation Virtua Fighter 4 RFID card support. VF.Net emulation server Naomi touchscreen (Manic Panic Ghosts, Touch de Uno 1 & 2, Touch de zunou) Hopper for Kick'4'Cash, Shootout Pool and Club Kart Prize F355 Deluxe and Touch de Uno 1 & 2 printer Sega Driving Simulator Android Scoped Storage SH4 under/overclock option Mushiking series Naomi Alien Front worldwide ranking server NetDIMM 3.7 networking high-level emulation Racing Controller, Fishing Controller, Maracas, Densha de Go controller, Pop'n'Music Controller (@AltoRetrato) Real time Video Routing for streamers (@vkedwardli) SystemSP RFID chip emulation: Dinosaur King, Love & Berry Dreamcast 32 MB RAM option (@cepawiel)
  12. Re-up :
  14. This is latest v6.0 launcher HD-4k patched + texture fix patch 1 - replace hod3pc.exe 2 - replace fs2 folder 3 - enjoy This pack will fix all the bad pixelated skyboxes with arcade quality ones. It will also fix mountain / dune backgrounds that are attached to various skyboxes. Will also fix the broken shadows on the industrial stage in the large open area filled with pillars.
  15. hippopippo

    Um Jammer Lammy Now

  16. game starts with the 86box / PCbox emulator, unfortunately it needs the I/O resources to be playable (wip)
  17. That kind of hack is for multi 2x6 usb system on real dongle not for emulator
  18. Use dos version from command line to handle / add / extract and analyze dongle .bin
  19. Use mymc (2x6 dongle)
  20. Namco system 147 is based on the PS2 hardware. Game/rom is stored in eproms onboard and all seem to be soldered to the PCB which makes dumping hard to do … so good luck !
  21. unpack this to fix set clock error & save data issue (Bishi Bashi *ENGLISH VERSION*) sv.rar
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