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Tout ce qui a été posté par hippopippo

  1. we are all patiently waiting for a final demulshooter version, however as already specified in the docs, if you have any problems delete all the .bin files inside the /exe folder
  2. mediafire sux .. re-up zipped
  3. This is the Argon's launcher modified to use dev-debugging and enable all game functions (thank you as always for the excellent work) BACKSPACE = Enter debug RETURN = Select UP/DW ARROWS & Mouse = Move I = Info mask (you MUST press to show menu) H = Help
  4. you can simulate a 2nd monitor as well
  5. using mice tools in ringwide mode game starts and closes suddenly at dongle check
  6. rawinput fixed (mouse & wiimote)
  7. add those checks in game.exe for fullscreen
  8. game uses Wibu System technology as wkcrypt security so please wait some patch from the devs in next update
  9. Pack contains main & satellite (client) version. You can import NAND (main) from Dolphin and the game starts in attract mode. Satellite is required to play the game but I/O emulation is WIP atm.
  10. see there : and
  11. yes, another arcade rva is Mario Party Fushigi no Korokoro Catcher 2 (マリオパーティ ふしぎのコロコロキャッチャー2)
  12. Tatsunoko vs Capcom arcade running on NINTENDO WII BASED HARDWARE, therefore removing marginal differences in the game the only difference is the insert coin which like any arcade makes it usable to be mounted on a cabinet (to the delight of bootleggers)
  13. this is the plain build if you are using x64 standalone just copy wii folder from x64\User\Wii to \Documents\Dolphin Emulator make sure you have the right Visual C++ Redistributable
  14. Ctrl-alt-arrow (up down left right) win10 built in or install iRotate
  15. try with this fake Kinect skeleton tracking emulator
  16. Download latest Play! and you have .defs inside
  17. extract each .zip in same folder name and get latest Play! (ie: Documents\Play Data Files\arcaderoms\pacmanbr)
  18. chd for what ? those are roms (bin / .elf)
  19. It's time to release ! Note : DISABLE card dispenser & enable Freeplay from service menu. Animal Kaiser - The King of Animals 3-4-5-6 have issue. Get latest Play! build & have fun. ( 1 to 8 ) ( 1 to 6 )
  20. hippopippo

    Big bass wheel

  21. maybe it's related to the idmac I/O board ID .. something goes wrong when booting and <0> / <1> start blinking crazy ... fighting a bit with the Nesys & iDmac and with a patched version of the local emulator (japan) in the end it started with service menu available
  22. both inf & exp have free play mode, use a good dump & proper elf. unpack and try those in \Play Data Files\arcadesaves arcadesaves.7z
  23. hippopippo

    Collection de patchs

    reup : Patches.7z
  24. 1st : win11 may have issues 2nd : try to set Revolt.exe in win98 comp 3rd : open task manager and kill tvtopcon.exe if present then reload once more again from Tp 4th : don’t change res 640x480 till stable fix from dev (wip atm)
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