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Tout ce qui a été posté par hippopippo

  1. sadly, there are many technical and practical problems, including the compiler itself (vs19 & vs22) which causes disasters based on the version used (I had to make changes & fix to this build too to be able to compile it without errors) ... however the road is long but frequented by nice people
  2. axy + fix
  3. once more wip ...
  4. these are arcade mod bios dumps added recently in mame (mb-2011)
  5. latest mame git branch (0.275)
  6. Lots of Taito-GN 2011 arcade dumps
  7. to try it without waiting for the next TPUI update you can just edit the MKDXUSA.xml profile and change <DevOnly>false</DevOnly>
  8. Usa version .. link expires in 1 week so make mirror
  9. working progress ...
  10. Animal Kaiser EVOx (ANA2004-NA-A_KP017B) (Namco System_148B) Animal Kaiser EVO1 (ANA2004-NA-A_KP017B) (Namco System_148B) Pacman Battle Rotale (kp011b_pbr101-1-na-mpro-a23) (Japan)
  11. overwrite all files (make a backup first) to fix the mouse pointer and game control keys are at the bottom of the ConfigDevelopment file PointerFix.7z
  12. you can copy the game wherever you want (ie: E:), the important thing is to respect the paths in the .ini file [Game] AssetDir=E:\STANDALONE\Sega\pvz\assets\ width=1920 height=1080 [System] Version=1.0.0 [Sound] Enabled=1 Primary=1 Volume=100 [Variables] Directory=E:\STANDALONE\Sega\Shell\variables
  13. erhm.. I think he has done many many many things for us .. but I can’t say other 🤓
  14. HASP envelope v1.20
  15. try to download & configure this tool ->
  16. download this and put into your game folder if your controller isnt being detected magpie scaling tool for fullscreen
  17. keep the folders and delete everything inside ps: I hope you have done the part relating to launching the m4 terminal (windows or via node script) and possibly the yac cards emulator otherwise it is all useless
  18. Make sure you have those folders inside /save
  19. This file will save you from a big headache, hours wasted downloading tons of same fucking versions of modified wmmt4 and other annoyances at the beginning of the year. So if you intend to try the Wangan 4 windows emulator I highly recommend you download it. Configuration is up to you and I recommend using the version dump 1.10.18 plus my clean .exe ps : good sha256 is bea1f12f18c5fb27807e1de47534de589641f6842febae5efc51dcf18653d262
  21. This is a nice standalone launcher for Half-Life 2 Survivor Ver 2.0 v1.5
  22. just do a search ... anyway :
  23. This is a nice standalone launcher forked from Half-Life 2 Survivior Ver 2.0 built for Cyber Diver 1.xx
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