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hippopippo a gagné pour la dernière fois le 20 février

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Ă€ propos de hippopippo

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    Nvidia GTX 1660

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. sadly, there are many technical and practical problems, including the compiler itself (vs19 & vs22) which causes disasters based on the version used (I had to make changes & fix to this build too to be able to compile it without errors) ... however the road is long but frequented by nice people
  2. axy + fix
  3. once more wip ...
  4. these are arcade mod bios dumps added recently in mame (mb-2011)
  5. latest mame git branch (0.275)
  6. Lots of Taito-GN 2011 arcade dumps
  7. to try it without waiting for the next TPUI update you can just edit the MKDXUSA.xml profile and change <DevOnly>false</DevOnly>
  8. Usa version .. link expires in 1 week so make mirror
  9. working progress ...
  10. Animal Kaiser EVOx (ANA2004-NA-A_KP017B) (Namco System_148B) Animal Kaiser EVO1 (ANA2004-NA-A_KP017B) (Namco System_148B) Pacman Battle Rotale (kp011b_pbr101-1-na-mpro-a23) (Japan)
  11. overwrite all files (make a backup first) to fix the mouse pointer and game control keys are at the bottom of the ConfigDevelopment file PointerFix.7z
  12. you can copy the game wherever you want (ie: E:), the important thing is to respect the paths in the .ini file [Game] AssetDir=E:\STANDALONE\Sega\pvz\assets\ width=1920 height=1080 [System] Version=1.0.0 [Sound] Enabled=1 Primary=1 Volume=100 [Variables] Directory=E:\STANDALONE\Sega\Shell\variables
  13. erhm.. I think he has done many many many things for us .. but I can’t say other 🤓
  14. HASP envelope v1.20
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