I also don't want to dig around in the thread for it, but I'll attach the zip file here.
Disconnect both your "PC" and "Power" cables from the Tasoller.
Run TASOLLER -> Firmware -> Update V1.1.exe and press "Connect."
Hold FN2 while you plug in the "PC" cable on your Tasoller.
Once connected, select "Open Files" and choose the Host_V2.bin file.
Once this finishes, "Disconnect," close the program, and unplug your Tasoller.
Reopen the Update program. Press "Connect" again.
Hold FN1 and plug in the "PC" cable again.
Once connected, select "Open Files" and choose the LED_V2.bin file this time.
Once it finishes installing, disconnect and close the program.
Unplug your Tasoller and plug in both cables without holding any buttons. If the controller goes rainbow, and responds to touch and air motions, everything should (hopefully) be good.
If you ever want to set your Tasoller back to the standard V2 firmware, you can use the firmware package from here [ https://www.dj-dao.com/en/support/11.html ] and follow the same steps.
As for your song fix, you can find various "option" files by digging around in the thread. They all have names like A###. So far, I've seen A041, A091, A092, A101, A114 (older songs from Chunithm Paradise Lost and earlier, though the audio quality is poor), A200, A920, AS01, AS02, and a fan-made A999. You put these into the option directory that you define in segatools.ini, and the game should load them up at startup. There's also ASAN and ASUN, which need their contents to be copied directly into your A000 folder (found at ".../app/data/A000/") for some stuff to work, I think.