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  1. I'm not able to read what's in the console window, but I know that running the game without any internet connection is poping that debug window because the game fails to connect to some unity/adrenaline api I don't know if it's the same issue, but unfortunatelly it's not possible to just disable the debug-console appearing flag on the debug build of that game I have to try to add some kind of automation to hide it, it's on the to do list but I'm lacking time ATM
  2. 7 years after, things have evolved and that software is not used/needed anymore. I'm sorry.... I don't have it anymore on my disk for re-upload
  3. Not the same issue, this would not help, unfortunately @RayRay_022 : sorry but I have no idea.... Except trying to run everything as admin ? Just in case...
  4. Yes, replace the plugin dll file with the one I posted here in my answer: Next update of DS will have it in the package This is by game design: Original cab has water gun shooting water at the screen continuously (except in menus) The game just relies on gun position (water is just for decoration) and there is no trigger or anything like that. The only button available on gun is to trigger special power and also act as Start button Alf+f4 is closing the game window but the RSGame process tends to remain active and running In my case killing the process is the safest thing I found
  5. In that case, it's not the LED board but the Seat motion board, or the Guns. I don't remember which one of the two, but I stripped both. Having COM port plugged is not always an issue, except for certain type of hardware where the low level requests made by the OS may match what the game is expected, running some reading loop on the device
  6. I got the same screen on a laptop with a Bluetooth adapter seen as COM3 and COM4 by windows. Looks like the game found those COM port interresting, but something hangs out and the game run into an infinite loop I solved it by either disabling those COM port material, or renaming it in windows after boot You can also install DemulShooter plugin, this should get rid of the screen (and you should be able to play normally without DemulShooter even with the plugin installed)
  7. What manual did you found, And where in it did you find such an option ? Because I don't remember finding any clue on that on the manual I got
  8. not really, I don't have original hardware From the footage found on google, Drakon cab looks like a square or 4/3 screen Raccoon is much larger (19:9 ? 16:10?) and is advertised as a 4k monitor (which doesn't mean the game would be 4k natively)
  9. argonlefou

    alien disco safari

    I quickly add axis override in DemulShooter v12.0 for Alien Disco Safari (just tried the ToEng exe version) Mouse/Lightgun click and buttons are untouched
  10. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Hmmm ....encore un truc bizarre avec ces portages Alors il faudrait plutot partir du principe qu'il faut mettre par defaut le "01 - truc muche" pour choisir la souris par defaut en cas de vais mettre a jour le Wiki Super facile Ă  Ă©crire avec les noms encodĂ©s en KorĂ©en 😅 Merci pour l'info
  11. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Alors c'est en anglais parce que je vais pas maintenir un Wiki en plusieurs langues, mais tout Ă©tait dĂ©ja Ă©crit : Ici (ne pas utiliser le config.exe) Ici (supprimer le fichier config si les controles ne marchent pas, dernier point du paragraphe) Tu as juste perdu un peu de temps 😅 En arcade le jeu utilise le port COM pour les controles mais ils ont du modifier pour le portage vers PC....ducoup le jeux rĂ©agi diffĂ©remment selon ce qui est choisi et c'est impossible de "tout" patcher cat les possibilitĂ©s sont nombreuses. Ducoup j'ai patchĂ© les controles Souris / Gamepad (normalement) mais le plus simple d'aprĂšs mes tests c'est de ne pas paramĂ©trer de controles pour qu'une situation par defaut soit la meme pour tout le monde
  12. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Les "BBPC.exe" du RAR et de l'Iso sont les mĂȘmes Le "BBPC pachted.exe" fonctionne trĂšs bien avec les fichiers du RAR, il faut juste le renommer BBPC.exe pour que DemulShooter fonctionne Ca marche normalement avec tous les exe disponibles (en fait il n'y en a que 2 diffĂ©rents) En cas de soucis, un fichier debug de DemulShooter peut aider
  13. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    The rar pack from the first post on top of this thread runs flawesslly without the mounted iso. Just use the patched exe from a few post below the package
  14. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    DemulShooter updated for Bug Busters Instructions : here To make it short : - make sure your exe is named BBPC.exe (not BBPC pachted.exe !) - use F2 and F3 to navigate the TEST menu and change settings - remove crosshair with "-nocrosshair" option if needed - enjoy light and rumble outputs
  15. argonlefou

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Looking with Hex editor, there's just 1 and only different byte between patched and unpatched files(CD-ROM check skip) I'm talking about the files to download from this topic. Still haven't downloaded the iso As for credits, controls, settins, coop etc....I'll cook a quick support with Demulshooter in the next days
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