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  1. C'est ....."léger" comme info, sans plus d'info sur le paramétrage (fichier config.xml du jeu ?) ou de fichier log( A moins que ta version soit une différente de celle postée ici-même, (récupérée sur une machine, patchée ou modée ou autre) il n'y a pas de version différente connue pour moi. Les crosshairs, c'est directement dans le menu du jeu que ça se paramètre, pas avec DemulShooter Si ça marche pas avec la version d'ici, c'est soit un soucis de config, de plugin mal installé ou de liaisons demulshooter<-> jeu Pour ce dernier point, tant que la liaison est pas établie, le jeu reste jouable à la souris comme si DS n'était pas là donc à te lire, ça n'est pas ça Edit : Il n'y a aucune info sur l'ecran principal du jeu.....mais il faut ajouter des credits ! Je me suis fait avoir plusieurs fois au debut sur l'ecran de selection du niveau....
  2. For curious people who'd like to try the game, here's a basic BepInEx plugin, only bypassing dongle. Just unpack zip file in main game folder (next to Shooter.exe) Game has embedded controls : [1] ~~ [6] : Coin P1 - P6 [A] / Mouse Left = Trigger P1 [ S]/ Mouse Right = Trigger P2 [D], [F], [G], [H] = Trigger P3-P6 [SPACE] = TEST menu (full chinese) More advanced plugin for lightguns/Demulshooter - may arrive later (or not) as usual
  3. It's totally right! But lightgun users are mostly used to Demulshooter, and it will provide correct positioning/aiming in almost all cases thanks to the rawinput system With the launcher alone, using window mouse cursor position, even if a hex hacked exe can run the game 4k or full hd, misalignlent may be the same depending on how the game mechanics is done to handle mouse positionning
  4. Not 100% sure yet, but the loader will surely be packed in DS release. DS will then do the usual job hooking for inputs/outputs. It just need time to update code,package, github, wiki, etc....
  5. So here's a new (final ?) version of the launcher : - Inverted mouse click, reload is now on right buttons instead of middle - No crosshair and no mouse cursor patch available - Run by GUI, or silent mode direct with command line This is the same one that will be used with DemulShooter, so I don't think I have any more to do on that launcher. I'm also sharing a couple of really quick-made 4:3 bezels made out of game contents file No,it has already been explained just above that there is much better way to do this easily without crippling the game binary (i.e : use DgVoodoo)
  6. I'm finishing the next (and final) version of this loader, it will have that possibility (direct run from command for Frintend integration) along with a few more patch (no crosshair, no cursor) I should be able to post it tonight, or tomorrow
  7. Rather than tweaking the game-insides and risking display glitch and/or aiming issue, I'd rather advise to use DgVoodoo (as usual) to upscale the graphics without any risk. For example a 3x upscale + anisotropic texture filtering on a 1920p screen :
  8. To be exact,the launcher is just....launching the game. Nothing more Controls are native from the game, I did not changed anything in that launcher Edit: oh, yes...I added the credit key
  9. There is no need to emulate a second mouse. Dual player (with lightguns) will be done with DemulShooter, like with all other games. Just... not today, and I can't say exactly "when" So far here are my understanding of the rules : 1) Medal mode (mini target) : Shooting a target will spin the upper wheel, you can gain either : - Nothing (wooden medal) - Coin medals (= credits used to reload the gun) - A chance to shoot at money bags to get medals - A horse to change mini-game level - The sheriff star, this is what triggers the "real lightgun" mini game 2) Real Lightgun: Shoot is freeplay (non need to use credits to reload) and you have to kill every enemies in a limited time. Shooting civilians remove time At the end you are given coins medal and what looks like to be some "WANTED" letters If you don't have the amount of WANTED letter required (you can set this in the TEST MENU), then it goes back to mini game #1 to repeat the sequence If you get the needed letters, it's BOSS time 3) ??? I didn't play untill the boss and I don't know what comes next, if you're going again for a different boss or just keep playing the same route to gain medals and prizes I have no clue how the fact that the program is running alone ( = without the connection to the main server) has any effect on the gameplay route I didn't find any tech manual for that game Your video alone is a goldmine, as I previously said 👌
  10. Very small launcher to run the game and use mouse (lightgun should work ?) for single player. More options will hopefully follow later (along with DemulShooter support)
  11. That video is a goldmine ! The upper screen display is exactly what you get at start when running the game exe as "Main Unit", so it explain why there's no interactive part. I wonder if "satellite" process/machines would be able to run correctly without the server running on a network machine 😬
  12. It's not something you can really "play", as there is no end to levels : once you choose a mode it's just looping to test gameplay If you run the exe as "Main Unit", you can see in the Test mode it's looking for network satellites If you run the exe not as Main Unit (= satellite), the test mode is different (LED for example are not the same) and it is looking for Main machine There are a lot of wiser people here, with better knowledge on that system/game, I trust them to assemble the puzzle and make it work I just had a few minutes to check and I can't go further in details for now
  13. There are a lot of optional command you can put with the exe, including some to not use dongle check (see bat files in the bat directory) Then I also needed to patch a couple of hardcoded path the game was trying to access (an old "document and settings" path not existing anymore in my version of Win10) and you can boot the debug version of the game with a menu and a level select (all in japanese) P1 works with mouse, some levels are "freeplay" like below (reload with middle mouse, shoot with left) and some other are using credits to reload gun and get prizes I don't know how it was working in Arcade, it look like it was a bunch of satellites cabs linked together and I didn't manage to run the "real" mode, if there is one
  14. I'm not able to read what's in the console window, but I know that running the game without any internet connection is poping that debug window because the game fails to connect to some unity/adrenaline api I don't know if it's the same issue, but unfortunatelly it's not possible to just disable the debug-console appearing flag on the debug build of that game I have to try to add some kind of automation to hide it, it's on the to do list but I'm lacking time ATM
  15. 7 years after, things have evolved and that software is not used/needed anymore. I'm sorry.... I don't have it anymore on my disk for re-upload
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