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Scribbler a gagné pour la dernière fois le 30 décembre 2023

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  1. Hello robert1996. Thank you for all you do for the community 🙏
  2. they're not asking for an invite to the emuline discord 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  3. There is no tutorial and no guide on how to run this, because you can't run this. This game REQUIRES a server to run, even in single player mode. The server is still under development and hasn't been made public yet, as it is not finished. You're just gonna have to wait.
  4. I recommend you read what I wrote several times at the very top of that page. The errors claim the database doesn't exist. Follow the instructions on the Artemis git page, not the rentry page. Use the MASTER branch for Chunithm, not the develop branch.
  5. How old is your Tasoller? If you bought it new when did you buy it? If it was purchased in 2022 or later then you shouldn't need to use a UART cable to flash the firmware. If it's older than that and still on Factory 1.0 firmware, then follow the DAO guide to get on 2.0 If your Tasoller is newer (or after you've done the UART flash if it's older) grab the custom firmware files from here There's a readme in the zip that'll tell you exactly what to do, with only the regular USB cables being required. You can use the fufubot segatools included with the custom firmware and it should just work in its default configuration, though I personally recommend using; segatools: chuniio for tasoller: and follow the instructions for the dlls here and as my user box to the left says, check my profile for useful links
  6. your [vfs] is fucked, either put the directoy in "quotes" or just use relative paths. Looks like all your folders are inside the bin folder so just put amfs=amfs, option=Option, appdata=appdata
  7. it will depend on which segatools you are using if you're using fufubot, make sure you have path=tasoller.dll in your segatools.ini under the [chuniio] section if you're using dniel97 segatools, download these; and put them in your app/bin folder (next to chusanapp.exe) and then in segatools.ini, in the chuniio section, write path32=chuniio_tasoller.dll path64=chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll chusan=1
  8. Nothing has been posted publicly yet, though private groups do have it.
  9. While that will give a blank name it won't remove you from the team. You need to remove the team assignment in the database itself.
  10. it was posted to 1cc with just the audio rekeyed to SDHD. other files might need removing to stop any potential conflicts
  11. the android/ios app versions are used because they have less latency. If you have io dll's for brokenithm-kb or slidershim that worked in the past, they should still work with latest segatools.
  12. Offline patcher for all Chunithm versions. Offline
  13. they're fine with people mirroring the files and posting them here, they just don't want their own direct links posted here. you need to change segatools.ini to point at your local ip address
  14. there is a releases tab at the top, it has pre-compiled files.
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