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  1. Attract mode has no sound even if you activate it in test mode.
  2. La versiĂłn es RPCS3 versiĂłn 0.0.27 con el juego Sailor Zombie y Dark Escape 4D (Errata: it is Sailor zombie and dragon ball zenkai, my little brother is not clear)
  3. When making changes in service mode, and changing games, those changes are not saved. Is there a way to save them?
  4. Could you indicate if these new games work in teknoparrot?
  5. Thanks, now it works perfectly. I had deleted the player 2 profile in the demulshooter GUI. The only thing I've noticed is that in mamehooker it only throws the led for player 1 (P1_LmpStart), but not for player 2, and P1_Damaged and P2_Damaged don't work either, like in the other games. A pity that I can only try it on Sailor Zombie, which is the only lightgun I have.
  6. I can't calibrate player 2, (Sailor Zombie) in the service menu. It seems that pressing the trigger to continue the calibration does not work. I have tried it with more buttons on the gun and the same.
  7. Can you play 2 players sailor zombie? or for now it can only be played with one player.
  8. Where can we find that file "board_storage"?
  9. It's with the only game that happens to me too and I don't know what it could be
  10. The rest of the laserdisc could be adapted to this quality, it is a job very well done (timegal, ninja hayate, super don quix-ote...)
  11. Would it be possible that Namco System Super 23 could also be emulated later? Since it has interesting games like Time Crisis II, Crisis Zone and 500 GP
  12. I would love to see one day in Hypseus, zorton brothers and marbella vice🤩
  13. I hope we will see more progress soon and that rawinput can be had for pistols
  14. When can we play these wonders? Magnificent progress in emulation
  15. Is this emulator its latest version or is it some mod made for arcade games to work?
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