May you post your AHK and launcher config files that you have working please i'm having trouble with sinden guns
with keyboard (p1) and keyboard (p2) axis Don’t work
I have the same problem! Pc1 ( is online while pc2 ( is offline!! Connection in lan never works! can you help me? Ps: pcs are connected together with a crossover Ethernet cable
edit: it works! I have to set airplane mode on laptop (pc 2) 😏
Sega rally3 run perfectly in lan mode..
Storm racer g Don’t run in lan mode (game run but there is no connection with the player2)
i have the dumped version is this the problem?
i use the same ip (static) that you posted for both the games(SR3 and SRG) but storm racer g isn’t linked.. there are other settings that i can set (in or out) the game?
edit: from pictures you can see that pc1 is online while pc2 is offline so versus is not possible.. ideas?
edit 2: it works! I had to set airplane mode on the second pc (laptop) 😊
the game runs. i have fixed with domeSWv5.0 but fullscreen is impossible.. i tryed with Star Wars Battle Pod Fix Fullscreen v2 .
my system:
windows 7
monitor 19' 4:3 1280x720
I have insert the patch for vt3 (change shader) but now i can hear Only the audio And the screen is Black 😤
Borderless gaming is good for let’s go island, for example, but not for vt3