This is a compilation of all the updates I have been able to download from this page for some time, including the build "DDRA3 MDX-2023091900". Functional using Asphyxia and MB. What it doesn't have is the original gold bg video.
It has many of the songs that have been locked, such as: only my railgun, 回レ!雪月花, 放課後ストライド, Happy, Break Free, Hillbilly Shoes, I Want You To Know, Shut Up and Dance, Believe, Time Of Our Lives, Wake Me Up, 六兆年と一夜物語, 輪廻転生, ようこそジャパリパークへ, More One Night, *ハロー、プラネット。, ありふれたせかいせいふく, すろぉもぉしょん, 妄想税, 39, 愛言葉, The Light.
Download from the following link:
Extraction code: bmff
Download from the following link:
Key: "-_55OBVONl92NXrGlwsQDA"
Unzip both files [A3 (MDX-2023091900).rar and Asphyxia DDRA3.rar] in a folder of your choice.
In the folder "contents" of A3 (MDX-2023091900) run the file "register (admin).bat" as administrator to register the dll needed to play the background video in DDR. You only need to run it once. Run it again if the background looks black or the DDR has been renamed or changed folder.
Run "asphyxia-core-x64.exe" from "Asphyxia DDRA3" to start the service that allows to start DDR later.
In the "contents" folder of A3 (MDX-2023091900) run "run (Asphyxia).bat" without administrator mode to start DDR.
In the "contents/modules" folder of A3 (MDX-2023091900) is the file "gamemdx_songs_unlocked.dll", which has all the songs unlocked. Just rename it to "gamemdx.dll".
Remove the "-w" command from line 5 of the "run.bat" file if you want to run it full screen.
If required, you can change the parameters of "run.bat" using "spicecfg.exe" in the Options tab.
The Asphyxia plugin for DDRA3 is modified by me from a plugin that is currently unavailable. It stores the highest value, either the score, the rank or both. It may duplicate data in the db, but it does not affect in its performance, if someone can improve it, please share it.
If required, you can download "asphyxia-core-x86.exe" from its official page.
This is a translation, so sorry if something is not well understood.