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  1. Using this file works for me. reiw.xwb
  2. Here are the correct files, although only one seems to be wrong, but I leave them all here just in case. cosc fix:
  3. In every update that came out I would manually update the musicdb.xml taking care not to delete songs, and not to replace the files with the thumbnails of the songs or modifying them to add the missing thumbnails. They are all playable as far as I have seen. I have tried to keep the songs also in World, but they don't appear in the song list, I don't know why. Edit: In the latest version of the Asphyxia plugin they work only if they have the old difficulty notation, if they have the new one they do not appear in the song list.
  4. You can also use a vpn extension in your browser to “skip” the mega limit. Downloads can be resumed without problem if you run out of download quota and change location with the vpn.
  5. I have an A3 compilation, with which I have tried to keep the retired songs. I uploaded it to Mega, it's about 21GB. (I updated the compilation by correcting some songs that were wrong)
  6. In computing, using the IP is like a wildcard. It is even more generic than using localhost if I am not mistaken.
  7. If possible it is, but Asphyxia has nothing implemented about events, unlike MonkeyBusiness, which has some old events implemented from what I have seen. It is possible in Asphyxia to "copy" what MonkeyBusiness has and build on that to add the BABY-LON event, but it is not that easy, as each one has its own language and structure, so it would take time and research.
  8. Fixed the character selection in the Asphyxia plugin. Use the WebUI interface to make the change. ddr@asphyxia.rar
  9. I recommend you upgrade to the latest version of MonkeyBusiness, although it says the project is archived, they have made some updates. If you still have the error, send me your "automap_0.xml" file to see if I can see the problem.
  10. Try with the value 20 in "--version". I remember something similar happened to me. Backup your db.json file just in case.
  11. I will try to explain as clearly as I can. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. 1. Enable the "EA Automap" and "EA Netdump" options in spicecfg.exe. 2. Start the DDR normally in the profile where the data you want to import is located. Just go to the song selection and then close the game. A file called "automap_0.xml" should be generated in the folder, it contains all the data from the profile in which you played. 3. Move "automap_0.xml" to the folder where the "start.bat" file is in your MonkeyBusiness. 4. To facilitate the process, in the same folder of the previous step, move the "Import.bat" file that I attach in this post. 5. Open "Import.bat" with a text editor and replace the numbers in "--ddr_id 19299817" with the id of the profile to which you want to add the data. This id can be found in "db.json" of MonkeyBusiness. If you do not have the "db.json" file, it is because you do not have a profile created, you must create a profile in MonkeyBusiness and the file will be generated. 6. In the same file, modify if necessary "--version 20" replacing "20" to "19" if you have A20 or A20P. If you have A3 leave it unchanged. (If you get an error containing "ParseError: no element found" try changing the "--version" parameter to the other one, i.e. try both 19 and 20). 7. Execute the "Import.bat" file. The data should be merged correctly. 8. Repeat the process for each profile you want to merge. 9. Don't forget to disable "EA Automap" and "EA Netdump" when finished. Import.bat
  12. Sorry, it was the option "VIRTUAL COIN" now that I check it well. You had to configure the "OPERATION SETTINGS" and in it "TAX RATE SETTING", "PRICE SETTINGS PATTERN 1", "PRICE SETTINGS PATTERN 2" and "PRICE SETTINGS PATTERN 3". I leave the screenshots of how I have it configured, and the file I found that has those options, which is the "testmode-v.xml" from the "prop" folder, at the end of the file is the <virtualCoin> tag and in the <taxrate>, <basicRate1> and <basicRate2>. testmode-v.xml
  13. I remember that when updating to the last version I also got an error, to fix it you have to configure "COIN OPTIONS" and "ECOMODE OPTIONS" so that they do not exceed a certain amount or something like that.
  14. I have managed to fix the Display Timing option in Asphyxia, either from the game or from the WebUi. It was not a minor change internally, so I recommend that if you use this plug-in to back up your database. It shouldn't cause any problems, but just in case. ddr@asphyxia.rar
  15. I have not yet found what goes wrong to correct the character selection.
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