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  1. Check this: X:\MDX-001-2024052200\contents\data\mdb_apx\movie\background and see if you have these files
  2. (DDR A20 PLUS final base pack) (DDR A3 update) (Final Update + World preload)
  3. Any problem sharing that version? I wanted to be sure it was a preload of world before uploading it I played some credits and everything works flawlessly
  4. 2024040200 is the latest version in all downloads, version 2024052200 is not available for download on the site
  5. Once you have everything ready replace this file inside the prop folder or the game will crash on startup ea3-config.xml What is the difference between version 2024040200 and 2024052200 in DDR A3?
  6. two more minor fixes and this theme It will be perfect
  7. Update: rename files to .avi and now works perfect! use asphyxia + musicdb to play all songs and events
  8. the step zone is ok now,thanks,but the generic random dancer don´t show,only title or black screen ;(
  9. great theme,but i have 2 problems - the left/right arrow increase/decrease speed in game -how to display random bga movies
  10. clear startup = this song edited startup = how to play from ddr a
  11. thanks,the song is gone!!! but a new one appeared 😞
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