hello guys! I wanted to see if anyone could help me with my problem. I have the Deadstorm pirates and the sailor Zombies configured with the demulshooter, they work perfectly with my two Sinden LightGuns. The problem is with the Dark Escape, the two sights move only on the left side of the screen and I can't play that way. I already deleted the entire cache several times and regenerated and patched it with demulshooter and the same thing happens to me. I tried to enter the service menu to calibrate but it does not work with the 0 key, I also changed the service key on the demulshooter and nothing. This would be the worst problem, but the other problem I have is that in the dark exhaust the sound is very bad with a lot of gliches and echo. I tried several configurations that are here in the forum but the same thing happens. And it seems strange to me since I have an Intel Core I9 with an RTX 3060TI and 16gb of Ram. Well I hope someone has some idea what's happening. I appreciate any help. PS: Sorry for my English, my language is Spanish but I am using Google Translate.