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  • Date de naissance 19/11/1986

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  1. A reup of the working version would be nice. I have gone through the menu with translate to try and figure out what to change. Nothing is working and some of the options ask for a password.
  2. I did find a solution. I thought I had to run the included patch. The dump on here the patch has already been used. For me that was the issue. I deleted and re-extracted it without running the patch and it worked.
  3. Demulshooter is loading and says hooked. And I have a similar wait in the ahk. Mind sending me your ahk so I can take a look?
  4. Am I missing something with Raccoon Rampage? I patched it and have an ahk script with demulshooter and the delay. It boots but the cursor is stuck at the top of the screen.
  5. Its a real game, you can buy it off the microsoft store on PC for very cheap.
  6. Honestly, I have no idea. First couple times I tried it (desertwar.exe in the orion\desertwar\ folder), it wouldn't open. Third time was the charm I guess. I didn't really do anything other than that.
  7. I have mine in 4K and it runs fine. You just have to configure the .ini resolution in appdata and setup arcadecabview while in your desired res. Pretty Easy. There is at least 3 AHK scripts on this thread that do exactly that.
  8. This is endless lol. Im thinking it should be pinned at the start.
  9. Im able to run beachhead 2000, but all the others wont start for me. NM got this one to run. And M is the missile button. Space bar pulls out some big launcher. Looks like R and I buttons invert the controls. S turns off sound. G pulls out a Flare gun. Haven't figured out credits or continue yet.
  10. If your using demulshooter, isnt the input.exe no longer needed? Oops Wildwolf beat me to it.
  11. This isn't that hard to get working. You said you never clicked the landscape option but you had to of. Delete all Arcadecabview files from your folder. Re-extract arcade cab view and start again. That option will pop up. Its part of the setup. If you don't use portrait, the screen flickers while its loading back and forth, and aim is always really off. EVERYONE WITH THE CURSOR ISSUE, LOAD EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe (or demulshooter) AFTER YOU START THE GAME, NOT BEFORE. YOU DON'T NEED TO CALIBRATE. Its been stated on here quite a few times. I will attach my crappy AHK for people to use to load the programs in the right order. You need to edit it and put in your own paths to the game and inputs. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #SingleInstance Force run, I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView_Launcher.exe sleep, 15000 run, "I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe" Esc:: Sendinput, !{f4} Process,Close,ArcCabView_Launcher.exe Run,taskkill /im "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" /F Run,taskkill /im "EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe" /F ExitApp return As I mentioned change the I: paths to your own. And I'm sure someone has a better script, I'm not great at making them. New to it.
  12. Dante posted one already. For the cursor being stuck, that is probably the demulshooter tool. Launch it after arcadecab view, not before. That's why earlier I stated that ahk is kind of needed. You have to launch the inputs after you launch the game. Trying to navigate while the mouse is in portrait is difficult. Wish people would read a bit more. Some of you are very close to having this working. Your getting frustrated and not listening or reading.
  13. My post ^ is the solution. You clicked landscape in arcadecabview setup. Click portrait. The third option. Not the middle landscape one.
  14. When Setting up arcadecabview if you click the middle option for landscape instead of the bottom option for portrait it does this. Click portrait. Once in game demulshooter tool kicks in and works. Ahk is needed for starting the demulshooter tool after arcade cab launcher imo. Navigating while the mouse is in portrait is difficult. Also, I looked through the service menu to try and change blood color. I assume we are stuck with green?
  15. I Re-did everything at least 6 times. Tried both versions of demulshooter. Tried repatching everything after starting from scratch. The issue persists. I have given up for the time being. I am considering just upgrading my arcade machine which doesn't have this issue with the games. They just run too slow on it due to older hardware.
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