This isn't that hard to get working. You said you never clicked the landscape option but you had to of. Delete all Arcadecabview files from your folder. Re-extract arcade cab view and start again. That option will pop up. Its part of the setup. If you don't use portrait, the screen flickers while its loading back and forth, and aim is always really off. EVERYONE WITH THE CURSOR ISSUE, LOAD EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe (or demulshooter) AFTER YOU START THE GAME, NOT BEFORE. YOU DON'T NEED TO CALIBRATE. Its been stated on here quite a few times. I will attach my crappy AHK for people to use to load the programs in the right order. You need to edit it and put in your own paths to the game and inputs.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#SingleInstance Force
run, I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView_Launcher.exe
sleep, 15000
run, "I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe"
Sendinput, !{f4}
Run,taskkill /im "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" /F
Run,taskkill /im "EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe" /F
As I mentioned change the I: paths to your own. And I'm sure someone has a better script, I'm not great at making them. New to it.