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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. the pc version is gh3, the arcade version is much different
  2. look for version 5, i believe you can find it in a youtube video somewhere.
  3. ok so you have to right click the exe and under compatibility check "disable full screen optimizations) and run as admin
  4. i imagine that all the ones who do all the hard work are prob tired of us who dont do the hard work asking for shit all the time, im guilty of this and so are most on here. he has the smarts so im ready to apologize and wish him the best, and thanks for all the cracks
  5. yea i know but i have zero ways to apologize so i figured what the hell, ya never know
  6. @Mohkerz i want to say im sorry for being rude in discord, i do appreciate all you have done for the community sorry man
  7. press the green, blue and orange at same time for start button
  8. get rid or rename the files directinput and xinput then it should work
  9. this is the best ever!! a million thanks sir!! thanks
  10. this guy rocks!!!! the best WORKS AS HE SAYS IT DOES! thanks
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