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  1. seems like the data has broken. recheck torrrent on nyaa i think its OK. and delete the dev files.
  2. fix the bpm. thanks for the full august data from @NoctsRanun startup.arc
  3. oh. i forget this. thanx.
  4. is there anyway to find the update pack from 0604 to 0723. i may missing some songs in 0604-0723 sorry for the ask.
  5. fix the missing bpmmax file. thanks uploading 0806 files from @CFT and @NoctsRanun startup.arc
  6. emm. have you take down asphyxia url. i mean its -url http://localhost:8083 and make sure your asphyxia-core has bistrover plugins and open it with the game start
  7. ty remove -ea
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