I really appreciate the effort with monkey business, spent lots of hours reading and following your instructions and it completely removed automatically Spice.exe and froze my computer 🤣
So I guess we will have to wait a bit to see a version of the A3 "stable". Right now IIDX 30 and DDR A3 , both of them, are having a lot of problems even running them properly (freezing sometimes, fps drops and chanigng a lot on IIDX ,gold theme background, imposibility of removing black background and guidelines or customize anything and moooore)
If there is someone who is reading me right now and are having lots of difficulties, best options are (at least for me):
About DDR : DDR A20 2020020300 + butterfly. It's the latest version that can fully support butterfly, if you are like me looking for removing the black background, the guide lines and chaging arrows and more stuff. And have the latest version of the A3 to play the songs from A20+ plus the current A3 songs.
About IIDX : IIDX 28 + Omnimix. It's the best option if you are looking for a stable omnimix. Keep also the last version of IIDX 29 (also stable) and keep the IIDX 30 if you want to play the songs released untill today.
And again, thank you so much to aaallllll the users sharing their knowledge here, probably they're not reading but I hope my message is delivered XD
Happy new year to everyone ❤️
Y el omnimix pa' cuándo? 💍