Hi guys, I noticed that some titles, such as ALG, WoW and Time Traveler, use 720x480 (NTSC) video resolution which is not a 4:3 standard, videos if played back on a common player like VLC will be displayed with the correct "display aspect ratio" but Singe seems not recognize the correct aspect ratio integrated in the video treating it as if it were a 9:6 and consequently deforming it.
This did not happen with the old Daphne Singe, I have the DVD version of Mad Dog always 720x480 but the aspect ratio is correct.
I tried with Singe 2 to use different parameters such as "-a 4:3" or "-u" but if the first does not seem to have any effect, regardless of whether it is set to 4:3, 16:9 or omitted altogether, the second parameter (stretch) simply reduces the whole video around a quarter.
Can someone tell me if there is a solution, for Time Traveler I personally converted the video to 640x480 but in the case of gun games this procedure seems to bust all targets.