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Tout ce qui a été posté par arcadeforty

  1. Thanks again! This is great. I think the smaller frame image is better. You could always leave the larger frame in the folder and just have it so people could rename if they wanted the marger bezel. Is it possible to somehow manage the image so less of the image is cut off? I think the answer is no because the dark shading on the side of the bezel which creates part of the crt effect has to be there, but i just thought i would ask. This picture is mame with and without effect. You can see some of ryu portrait is cut off (i keep feeling like i want to adjust my h size to see the image!). I wonder if it might be possible to create a bezel with the same effect like the Atomiswave SD flat cabinet, it's basically square with small rounder corners. I'm not sure if this would break the crt effect without the curve though. Anyways, it's not a big deal, and it's not me being critical. I love this project, it's amazing! Everyone should try this.
  2. That video is running Windows 10.
  3. Is playable offline, just missing some content. A lot of the content is there though. See video
  4. Great! I see it. I'm actually used to it now. I don't think it was the curve after all that i wanted to remove, it's the bezel and how it sometimes cuts the text off on some games when the text goes all the way to the edge of the screen. It's not a big deal, just something i will try to refine. In SSF2T you can notice it, the player portrait on the side of the screen is missing the white line as it's behind the bezel and at the top the writing gets slightly cut off. I will run is side by side with my crt machine and try to compare. I may need to make a flat screen crt bezel, curves in the corners only. I will experiment more now i know where to change these settings. Thanks again for this, it's really amazing!!
  5. This work is amazing!!!! Is is possible to decrease the curved effect in the mame version, can i adjust it? I did look into the ini files but i didn't see where I was able to adjust. I like the curve effect, i just wanted to try it a bit less curved. What amazing work, not just the mame version, the dll version as well, it's incredible! For any noob that is wondering about the mame bgfx install. Just copy all the folders into a fresh mame install and overwrite the files. I just tested on 240 and it worked perfectly, i didn't need to set anything after copying the files.
  6. THANKYOU! I read many pages and i missed all those discussions around it.
  7. I think I know the answer to this, and i've searched all this thread and others and can't find it. But is there a resolution patcher for Wangan 6? I know there's one for 5, but did one get released for 6 and I just can't find it? Thanks.
  8. It's been dumped, not decrypted though. It's bitlocker.
  9. You have to click blue SHOW ALL FILES button at top of page, not the ZIP link on the right. You will see they are all bin files. Here is direct link for you to bin files. Disc Images (Decrypted)/
  10. Read the post, he went to all the trouble to test and document every rom, and give the link.
  11. Haha, there's this odd bug that seems to happen where the ball appears to... well... enter the player from the lower end, and it gradually makes it's way up the players body before coming out of his face. When this happens, he just sits there going around in circles trying to find the It's quite funny, happened a few times.
  12. Thanks for this, i'm just retrieving my legally owned roms from my online file storage archive. I'll give it a shot soon.
  13. I think the problem is that the online portion of the game controls a lot of things within the game. Even if you could start the game, the game needs a connection to the server to be able to determine a lot of things about the game you are going to play, for example characters available etc etc. Without that the game simply doesn't work, i guess it's the new age copy protection. To be able to even play this, i'm pretty sure it's going to require the server emulated. Interesting find on the switches null, i looked at the exe and can see them now, nice find though! I learned a new skill!
  14. Install this file at D:\LL3\ and overwrite the one in the original download. Freeplay enabled for you. You still can't start game though. If you look at the video, the game will start automatically when the nesica card is scanned. Maybe the button is pressed offscreen and you can't see it to start the game.
  15. It works on a touchscreen in the test menu as well. You can navigate the test menu with a touchscreen.
  16. Run this from the game folder for love life, it will enter test menu.
  17. Starwing Paradox is love life after school is Love Live! School Idol Festival: After School Activity Next Stage but this game i cannot add a credit or start.
  18. Hoshi is Starwing. Starwing Paradox (星と翼のパラドクス, Hoshi to Tsubasa no Paradokusu)
  19. That link has a bunch of other dumps in there as well, all ticket machines?
  20. I know this is old, but you can fix this issue by making sure that the custom resolution is a proper 4:3 multiple of 800x600 and whatever resolution you choose is added to your nvidia control panel as a custom resolution. This fixes the issue with the game being to the side of the screen like that. 640×480, 800×600, 960×720, 1024×768, 1280×960, 1400×1050, 1440×1080 , 1600×1200, 1856×1392, 1920×1440, 2048×1536 are some resolutions you can use, but you can't go over what your monitor is capable of horizontal or vertical. Just mae sure the res you select is added to nvidia control panel as a custom resolution. So for example if you have a 1080p screen, 1920x1080, the max you can use is 1440x1080.
  21. Is chronicle mode working in the EX version for you guys? Game plays fine, but when i goto chronicle mode it doesn't work properly. As you can see in the picture. It goes through these screens then it crashes. The game otherwise works perfectly. Just not chronicle mode. Chronicle mode works perfectly on the 1.05 version, not on EX version.
  22. Download finish. Here is change in new version. - NAOMI1 - Puyo Pop Fever promoted to working (export version of Puyo Puyo Fever). - NAOMI1 - Powerstone 2 - All items unlocked, hidden character Pride unlocked. - NAOMI1 - Marvel VS Capcom 2 - New hack added that enabled the use of VMU and Dreamcast controller in regions other than Japan. - NAOMI 1 - Melty Blood Actress Again - Press the start button on Arcueid to play as Neko Arc. - NAOMI1 - Capcom Vs SNK 2000 (both versions) - Unlocked tier 4 characters at character select screen. ----- There's also another mode where you can reset all ratios of all characters to 2. Info below. Insert your coin: At the Title Screen, Hold down Light Punch and Hard Punch (Buttons A and then press Start without releasing the 2 buttons. Keep holding down all the three buttons. At the character select screen, you'll notice that their is now only one line. All character ratios are equal. You will now have the ability to use two Boss Character or even 2 Evil Ryus or Ioris. - NAOMI1 - Capcom vS SNK 2 - Unlocked boss mode and settings change in the game settings menu. You don't need to enter the codes. ----- You can now choose 3 different types of game modes in the settings. ----- Ratio Match - this is the normal ratio system ----- 3 on 3 - this ignores the ratio system and just gives you 3 equally powered characters ----- Single match - this makes the game 1v1 ----- BOSS MODE - Hold Medium punch and Medium kick when you press start to start the game. This starts boss mode. You fight all the bosses only. - ATOMISWAVE - Neo Geo Battle Colliseum - Character unlocks - Move the character select cursor to KYO and then press left, the cursor will go out of the screen and you can select Mizuchi, Shishioh or Neo-Dio. You can also move to Iori and press right to access the same characters. Mars people and Athena are also unlocked and able to be selected from the regular character select tiles. - ATOMISWAVE - Knights of Valour - Dubhe unlocked for selection at character select screen. - ATOMISWAVE - Rumble fish - Secret character unlocked. Press up on the character select screen until you see the character GREED. - ATOMISWAVE - Rumble Fish 2 - Secret character unlocked. Place the character select cursor on Hazama, and press the joystick right 4 times. You should now see Beatrice for selection. ------- Hold both punch buttons and press start for survivial mode ------- Hold kick kick buttons and press start for time attack mode - ATOMISWAVE - KOF NEOWAVE - A bunch of secret character unlocks have been enabled. You just need to goto certain characters and press the start button to reveal the hidden character. List below ------- K >> Geese Howard ------- Maxima >> Ramon ------- Whip >> Vanessa ------- Yashiro >> Orochi Yashiro ------- Shermie >> Orochi Shermie ------- Chris >> Orochi Chris - ATOMISWAVE - KOF XI - Move the cursor to Ash and then press left. You can select Magaki, Shion, Jazu, Silber, Hayate, Gai or Adelheid. - ATOMISWAVE - Kenju - Updated rom file. No real changes anyone will notice - ATOMISWAVE - Force Five - The crash has been fixed when you exit the service menu now, it no longer crashes there. - ATOMISWAVE - Guilty Gear Isuka - Crash fixed when you lost a round. The game would crash when you lost a round in any fight. It no longer does this!
  23. New update version post in facebook! No test yet, still download. torrent
  24. friend obtain - Lord of Vermillion 4 SP PLAN - Not in hand... some week away. - Ultra SF4 - Gunslinger Stratos 3 STD - Puzzle Dragon - NesicaXlive2 - Not in hand... some week away. he can dump this game easy. but no decrypt nesica game, due bitlocker. Can decrypt other game ok. Can provide full HDD but full is very large. in Japan is very many of this game HDD system.
  25. 40GB of game data. I thought this game was dump long time ago. Is any other game needed? I have some more game. This dump you see was take from GUNS3 STD HDD.
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