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Tout ce qui a été posté par arcadeforty

  1. i just did testing on the new bgfx chain. first time i was a bit unsure about the new look and i dont know why but it felt like something was not right. It was just i was so used to the way the older version looked. now that i have used the new version for some time the old version looks bad! really nice work on the new version, i feel like you have done good work on the issue where things looks washed out colour wise, because the brightness is up too high, but it actually was not. this is much better now and i dont feel like i have to turn down the brightness, which didnt really fix it anyways. it also feels a lot smoother when playing. it'sa very nice update. the only thing i picked up on was the white halo glow around white text on black background. i know this is a setting, but i would probably tone that down a little in my install. i'm so happy that you continue to develop this tool. it makes my entire arcade emulator game playing experince a lot better. tomorrow i will put it side by side with my arcade nanao ms9 machine and compare the new to the original pcb. i did a lot of compare with the previous version and there were a lot of issues when you put them side by side. interested to see how this one looks! i'll report back tomorrow.
  2. great update and big thankyou for the updated works!
  3. just use a language patch on 6r it works very good
  4. nice Houb! i test the darius game on old arcabview MAMEUI version and the darius 1 display is correct across the 3 screens without the bezel though the bgfxchain version is not so correct in darius 2 on the standard mame as it will show the bezel on the single screen i see you have made a fix, nice work! i will download all the mame chd and extract for the ttx game and will report the original correct game.exe md5 for each game so you know which is the original. i will report back with the information when i have it so you can add to arccabview. we discuss to understand the correct md5 for the original game.exe and it is in the mame chd for some game!
  5. I understand your decision, I will cherish my downloaded files! Even the testing and learning takes a long time! I can only imagine how long it will take to develop and then test as well. Post the tool and.... chirp chirp... you just hear the bugs in the night time. This tool is an amazing tool, not just for the graphical changes it can make, but how easy it makes it to do some things. It is a double excellent. I think this forum is not the best place for this tool release, just because it has a very strong "give me give me" mentality with little actual contribution to anything. Not every person, but most of the people here are a lot like this. I think this tool has an amazing place in the retro gaming community, I just don't know where the best place to show it is, but i think this forum is not the best place for such a great tool! (nothing against the forum) Anyway, thanks for the work to date, but i understand your decision.
  6. Shikigami no Shiro II TTX = Fixed I deleted all foreign game files from the folder and start again from clean. Install ArcCabView, and now it no longer has the issue where it loads off center on the screen! Fixed! Run game.exe via jvs_loader = works perfect. game.exe crc32 = aff7b5e8
  7. KOF Sky Stage = OK. Clean dump, removed all GLARH crap and other junk, latest jconfig/jvsemu. Run game.exe via jvs_loader = works perfect. game.exe crc32 = 433f0f86 Homura TTX = fixed. I deleted all foreign game files from the folder and start again from clean. Install ArcCabView, and now it no longer has the issue where it loads off center on the screen! Fixed! Run game.exe via jvs_loader = works perfect. game.exe crc32 = 0008f1a7
  8. Raiden 4 TTX was just some bad files in the dump, but not the game.exe. I got new dump from seedbox and the game.exe crc is the same, but now when i run arcabview it works OK. So something in the files of my other dump were causing the issue. I tried my first dump on a second pc and get the exact same issue!! So it's something in that dump files that cuase issues, but not the game.exe. All working OK now. I also don't know if this is clean dump crc, so hard to tell, so many dumps with patches are out there. game.exe CRC = 947c74db
  9. Deathsmiles II will always have graphics corruption if you increase resolution. I tried on 2 different computer. 3 x nvidia card. tree bug at the start . tree will flicker in and out first mini boss about 15 seconds into game, always have a black spike ArcCabView does NOT appear to increase resolution at all, maybe it scales the screen to a higher resolution, but not internal game render resolution increase. It just adds the crt effect and bezel. All this test was done with dgvoodoo direct. This is not really a problem with ArcCabView, it's more a game issue, i just thought i was doing something wrong, but it appears that it just doesn't render the game at the higher resolution.
  10. Ok, first, Deathsmiles II. I got dump from seedbox trymado and it has GLARH and some other junk in there, i clean all junk and use file named originalgame.exe as game.exe. But the game doesn't run without a loader on original game.exe so i use jconfig which works fine, but it launches the game from cvgame.exe (it patches game.exe on the fly) as game.exe (the original one) doesn't run without a loader. ArcCabView fails to setup cvgame.exe properly. You just have to manually put it into ArcCabView.ini under LauncherName= and it works fine. BUT, ArcCabView sets this game up with crt scanlines effect and the base resolution of the game is still low. It works fine, but it is still low base resolution. If you turn off the crt effect you can see the low resolution. If i remove ArcCabView completely and just use the DgVoodoo and set the game resolution to 3x, it is very clear that dgvoodoo is increasing the resolution, and this same resolution increase does not happen with ArcCabView. (any resolution increase with dgvoodoo in this game will cause graphics corruption). Are you using GLARH to run this game? If you are then i think the resolution increase is coming from GLARH. My resolution is 2560x1440 on my screen. So 640x480 x3 = 2560x1440 and if i understand, you are telling me that ArcCabView should set Deathsmiles to to run at this resolution, but it does not.
  11. Ok, i think my dump might have some problems then, becuase Raiden 4 definitely still doesn't work properly. I clean all data from the folder and start fresh with 2.1a. I will try different dump tomorrow and report back. With Raiden 4, i get the unkown game error, so i have to choose the game, so obviously not the same dump.
  12. It's ok, i can translate the FR! Ok, so maybe my dump is not correct for those games, because i am definitely not using the NXL setting for Raiden4., it was the TTX settings. I will try the new version and see if it works for me. The only thing I want to change is force resolution higher and remove bezel, i just delete the bezel file and it works to remove the bezel. Some bezel looks nice, but some bezel like shikigami no shiro doesn't look so nice. Chaos breaker looks so much better now, this game looks like dogshit before scanline fix!
  13. Thankyou for reply! I see my problem, if I run the game with arcabview_launcher.exe, the problem is fixed for Homura and Shikigami no shiro. It first loads the game into the bad position like in the above screenshot, but then after a few seconds, it will move the game to the correct location and works perfectly! This is fine, i was running the game from game.exe not from arcabview_launcher.exe. Please ignore my message for these games, they are both OK. I cannot make Raiden IV work any different to my picture though. I tried to reset, and enable/disable dgvoodoo in the ArcCabview.ini, but no change. I can't get crc right now, but the exe is 2,023,424 bytes. I can increase the resolution with dgvoodoo alone and it works fine, but no rotate. Death Smiles has a bug when you use DGVOODOO to increase the resolution, the same bug exist with ArcCabView, when you increase the resolution the texture will go buggy. Start the game, and see the first tree in the background, it will glitch, flash in and out. I was just testing to see if maybe this fixes that issue, but not fixed because it's using dgvoodoo all the same. Thanks again, it's a great tool. It makes some things very easy! I will test more games tomorrow.
  14. I also found an issue with some games. This has happens to me on shikigami no shiro III TTX and homura TTX I run arcadebview setup, setup works ok, then the game will test and it will play ok. Then i exit the game, and the next time i run the game, it will display play like this image. Not centered on the screen. Same issue with those 2 games. Both run fine on the first setup, but then when exit and relaunch them they display this way. Raiden 3 works perfect, KOF skystage, gigawing generation all work perfect. Raiden 4 TTX is a problem as well. I run setup, and raiden 4 will display like this after setup and after close and run.
  15. This is excellent! Great work. How do you change the resolution of a game after you have run the launcher and it has setup the game. I want to change the render resolution of DeathSmiles II but i cannot find how to change it. When i check the reshade.ini oin the game folder it is already set to 1920x1080 but the game is only run at 31k render resolution. Where is the resolution setting stored AFTER you run the launcher for the first time. For compare i run Raiden 3 TTX3 and it will setup the game perfect and use the maximum 1440p render output for this game, but deathsmiles does not render high.
  16. Thanks for all the translations you do, i really appreciate it! There's no rush, a little patience can go a long way. Look forward to this one if/when it gets done!
  17. I made an update movie folder for this game. The arcade version movie folder is high compression with very bad fps and the movie is choppy. Backup the current movie folder and replace with this movie folder. The desktop version has low compression and high fps movies in the game and it has all been converted to arcade version. Compare prologue or opening with the new version in the download, you will see how bad the arcade movie is. The movie will have no sound to test, but in the game the movie has sound. Movie sound file is separate for this game.
  18. I see it, of course i do not want you to do this for all game. I would like to understand to do this myself. I was testing on the older version, i upgraded the new version bgfx sharder in my mame and tekken is fixed automatically in my mame now. You are correct i do not use your version mame as i use regular mame, not mameui. All is working now and i understand how to fix these issues if i come across them for some games. I will post some fix if any more games give me issues and i can fix them. Thanks!
  19. 🤐 Thankyou, i didn't see these!! I can see the overscan and offset setting now in case i need to set in future. There were some neo geo games that had this same problem as well. Sorry for my noob questions, but i understand now. Thanks for your help.
  20. You should add update number always to make it easy for people to stay up to date Ever since i find this mod, i have been playing many of my old games again, it's like a new world for retro for me. I am tricked to think i am watching a crt sometimes! I did notice that v 1.1 requires more power to run than 1.0b. I had 1.0b on an older pc, and it was running fine, then i upgraded to 1.1 and some games now don't run smooth. It's fine, this is not my main pc, but 1,1 does require more power. I also find that sometimes a game will not go all the way to the edge of the screen, what would be the solution to fix these games? It only happens on a few games, for example this tekken 1 game has black bar at the top only.
  21. Is this a newer version of BGFX shader? Newer than 1.1?
  22. Excellent, I understand. I never did learn to use crtgeomod, but now i can understand how it all works. 🍺🍰
  23. I just tried it again, it must have been my error. It is now working for me. I think maybe 125 is a nicer default value, it still has the effect of the crt, but 75 maybe cuts off a bit too much of the image. 75 is maybe more of areally old 80s vintage tube vibe. One more question I can't work out, when i select the no curv chain, it has the border around the image. I tried to find the setting in the json but i can't work out which setting will take away this border? It's not the frame.png, Is it possible to stretch the image right to the top and bottom without this small border? Thankyou very much for your help! I really appreciate it!
  24. Using the latest mameui package, if i edit the value for ArcCabView_MAMEUI64_0.240\bgfx\effects\ArcCabView\arccabview.json { "name": "cornersmooth", "type": "vec4", "values": [ 75.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] }, Changing this has no effect. It's ok though because i found the bgfx chains and it has the different settings for no bezel, no curve etc. This will be enough, if i set to no curve chain and then make my own bezel file it is same result.
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