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Tout ce qui a été posté par bestekar

  1. Thanks. Is it supposed to be only 304 mb ? The post stated it was 1.5 GB ?
  2. Can someone share the update file again ? Link on the Update (1.5GB) is down.
  3. What about network connectivity and LAN VS. Does this new terminal solution fix the multiplayer issue on 6 / 6R ?
  4. Does LAN VS work now or is the terminal emu just working for emulating Banapassport card ? Btw Accordig to the github there are a "Bayshore" fork for WMMT6R also. Did you try both the 6 and 6R or only the 6 ?
  5. Anyone working on fixing the terminal and network multiplayer for WMMT6R now that it has moved to Openparrot ? That should be the main priority. Single player gets old pretty fast.
  6. Unless someone fixes LAN / Multiplayer / proper Terminal emulation 6R will get old really fast.
  7. I read through your solution on github launching the game by using a bat file. Any way to get this working with Teknoparrot ?
  8. bestekar

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    Yeah, I have. You dont need 2 game folders or TPs. All you need to do is to change out the file SBMB_e2prom.bin or was it SBMB_sram.bin (bouth outrun 2 files generated in C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Easiest way to do it is to first set up single player in test mode, start the game, quit the game and then copy out the 2 files that gets generated ( SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram) from C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Enter the game again, configure for multiplayer, start the game, quit the game then copy out the 2 files that gets generated ( SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram) from C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot a second time. When you wanna play single player copy the first version of the 2 files back into C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. When you wanna play multiplayer copy back the second version of the 2 files back into C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot. Or you can just make it easy on yourself and use my generated files =) (do not copy the file structure just copy the SBMB_e2prom.bin + SBMB_sram from the folder that has your desired config to C:/Users/your user name/AppData/Roaming/Teknoparrot)
  9. Reaver confirmed that the .pack file was the "driver" that he needed, but said it was like 3 am where he was and that he was thinking about going to sleep.
  10. Someone in the TP discord claims he has decrypted Project exe and amdeamon.exe using the .pack file and has the game running in demo mode with no inputs working. He did not post any proof though.
  11. Run it with what ? Is there a Segatools, Jconfig or TP build that can launch it yet ?
  12. I have only gotten SRG LAN to work properly and without any issues on Windows 7. I have gotten it to link once with one Windows 10 PC and one Windows 7 PC, however the link seemed quite unstable, it desynced after 1 race. Using VPN I coudnt get it to work ither on WIN7 or Win10. But if you use 2 Win7 setups, it should work without a hitch.
  13. Default T7FR R2 looks like crap. However editing the DefaultGameUserSettings.ini does help. I tried these settings using Jconfig which improbev visual quality quite a bit [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080 FullscreenMode=0 bUseVSync=True Version=5 [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality=200 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 sg.ShadowQuality=3 sg.PostProcessQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=3 sg.EffectsQuality=3
  14. According to the WMMT Players Discord they have checked with bouth Jconfig and TP developers and bouth confirmed Multiplayer does not currently work on WMMT6. They didnt go into specifics why, so I dont know what the problem is. However WMMT5 has the same problem on TP, if you play a single game and return to attract mode before starting a multiplayer session the same things happen, even though youre accepting challengers when you start a new game the other PCs wount get the YES/NO to join. WMMT5 only works if you start multiplayer game as the first game after boot. toggling off an on the accept challengers buttons does nothing if you already played a single player game after boot. So I guess the WMMT6 emulation doesn't announce the multiplayer broadcast at all, even if you try to start a multiplayer game straight after boot.
  15. LOL, that the game would give you full tuning after chapter 21 is just wishful thinking. I am chapter 75 and still the car isnt maxed out. I wonder if yet another tuning bar appears when I have completed chapter 80. And yeah, the only way to change the tune is to play time attack and select another tune. But time attack is kinda useless when your car isnt maxed out so playing that mode is pointless. But to be honest I dont really care, someone will probably come up with a car editor or share a a folder with all the car profiles maxed out. What I do care about is that someone fixes so Multiplayer LAN works. Right now all 4 setups gets detected, and it shows 1p,2p,3p≈4p available and you can choose accept challengers after selecting your car, but even if you start player 2,3 or 4 it dosent detect that player 1 is currently playing and accepts challengers so you wount get the YES / NO to challenge player 1, it just gives you the same option to accept challengers or not =(
  16. Thanks man, that solved it. The only problem now is that the wheel is way too sensitive. It feels like it dosent turn or its turning max. Do you have a fix for that too ? =) edit: never mind, I just forgot to turn back the dead zone to 0. Thanks a lot for your help, game is fully playable for me now =)
  17. Thanks for the tip. With your method I was able to map all the controls including break and gas pedal, however the gas and break pedal does not work in game. I read somewhere in here that enabling fake pedals is needed for them to work, dont know if thats correct or not. if I do check the fake pedals the game still the game runs in a window and throws and error: erro effect, cant create effectx. Any suggestions ?
  18. I am trying to map controls to a Logitech Driving Force GT wheel but as usual with Jconfig it always chooses joy 1 axsis -Y -1000. Sometimes I get lucky and actually are able to get it to register the buttons I want, but seriously is there no other way to do this than hammer a button and hope it sticks ? secondly, I cant get the pedals to work. If I select fake pedals the game runs in a window and throws and error *erro effect, cant create effectx. game starts but no controls works. if I start the game without fake pedals ticked the game starts, the buttons I were able to map plus the wheel works, but not the gas or break pedal. any suggestions how to fix it ? Also LAN does not work, but thats probably because no matter if you have selected terminal emulator or not the terminal emulator is running, Is there any way to fix that ?
  19. Coudnt said it better myself, their games are hardly worth the diskspace. It amazes me that these raw thrills f**kers are still in bizznizz. I really hope they go bankrupt soon so some other decent arcade developer can get the licenses for decent franchises instead of these assholes wasting them on mediocre crap games.
  20. Yeah, youre right. The line youre supposed to add to start.bat on A1 is: .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\ServerBoxD8_Nu_x64.exe For V2.11 you need Segatools_idz2 and Minime_v016_hotfix which has additional entries for for the 2.11 card system in segatools.ini and an upgraded sqllite database. [aime] ; Tell segatools to generate an aime.txt instead of felica.txt ; Necessary for IDZ Version 2+ aimeGen=1 felicaGen=0
  21. bestekar

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    Cars 2 Works. Tested on Win7 LAN and VPN (192.168.1.x range) might work on other ranges. On PC1 Allow "sdaemon.exe" though firewall Enter Test Mode Go to System Adjustments Network Enabled = YES Cur Machine ID = 1 Go to Exit, then choose Exit again to go out of the test menu. When "Rebooting" appears, exit out of the game (you might have to ctrl+alt+del) On PC2 Allow "sdaemon.exe" though firewall Enter Test Mode Go to System Adjustments Network Enabled = YES Cur Machine ID = 2 Go to Exit, then choose Exit again to go out of the test menu. When "Rebooting" appears, exit out of the game (you might have to ctrl+alt+del) Restart the game on bouth PCs. LAN VS should now be working. Storm Racer G works. Tested on Win7 LAN (10.1.1.x range) might work on other ranges. Allow "racing.exe" though firewall on bouth PCs. Start the game on bouth PCs. No extra settings or test menu adjustment was needed, it just worked "straight out of the box"
  22. Has anyone gotten LAN VS for Storm Racer G working ? Cant seem to find a way to set Machine ID or Turn network on. If someone got LAN working please post what you did to get it working. when it comes to controls using Jconfig If I click on combined axis and map controls in Jconfig for G27 everything works execpt the start button. I can insert credits ect. However for the start button to kick in I have to run the game Windowed so I can turn the combined axis checkbox on and the game presses start by itself. If I click the combined checkbox off again when the game has started all other controls work like they should, wheel, pedals, coin, view change, boost. So It seems like the problem is that the start button is always held in if combined axis is off, and is always out and cant be pressed if combined axis is on.
  23. The reason why it dosent work is that you are using the segatools that came with teknoparrot. you need to stop launching the game with TP since it overwrites the segatools.ini file each time you launch with TP. just download the SEGATOOLS V4 and exctract that and overwrite the files in game exe folder except segatools.ini . If you have launched it with teknoparrot it will set [io3] mode=tp again. so stop using teknoparrot to launch if you want it to work from start.bat in the game folder
  24. To start dont use the teknoparrot generated segatools.ini file or the other segatools that comes from teknoparrot if you want 1,2,3 and enter button to work If you are using an xbox pad og xbox wheel [io3] mode=xinput If you are using a PS4 pad, Logitech G27 Wheel ect. Basicly every other controller than an XBOX peripheral. [io3] mode=dinput This mode only works if you launch the game with Teknoparrot. NEVER use mode=tp if you launch by any other way than teknoparrot [io3] mode=tp
  25. Just leave the Dipsw1=0 on bouth PCs and just add .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe to start.bat on PC1. If you do get the error on the PC2 if you boot them at the same time: enter test mode, then exit test mode.
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