Again, not doing any work for this game, but if I were to be doing it it'd probably just be a external program that constantly outputs the card serials. Similar to how preexisting server emulators right now can emulate a virtual card. Could go a step further and have it pull prize out data letting it recognize and save acquired cards.
The above example, though, still has the same issue as I mentioned. It's relatively simple in theory, but would take a whole lot of time to actually make.
As for revenue, you gotta keep in mind whenever money is going to the arcade, or to Sega themselves. A big expensive cab like Scarlet Dawn, which is a kind of game anyone can play meaning that more places are willing to set one up, is going to make more to Sega themselves than Chunithm, which isn't as expensive anymore, and is targeted for a more niche kind of arcade. There's already trouble brewing when it comes to Chunithm in any case.
FGOA is a inexpensive cab to make, sells at a high mark up, and cab owners have to constantly buy marked up cards directly from Sega to refill them. They make both the arcade owners and Sega (and Type Moon) a lot of money.