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    i7-4790K & GTX 1080TI

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  1. jcstahl1, seems like you are always the ONLY one 😁
  2. All in good time. Work has been completed behind the scenes to build the proper archive from a real machine. Now it's a matter of propagating. I'm quite sure the "one" will appear with a link soon enough.
  3. Just a note: Use ALT-F4 to quit, hitting the ESC will crash the program. Even though I support TP and have a sub, I tried it, it worked without issues in full screen mode in 4K and it looked great.
  4. Plugin already bumped up to v1.4 with additional fixes.
  5. Yeah... silly, VPN gets me there no problem. hahahahahahaha
  6. For the record, I support the archival backup and sharing of ROMs (and yes, the sharing part is technically illegal). However, I’m 100% against those that sell ROMs. And it’s a bullshit statement/argument that "I’m not ‘selling’ ROMs, just selling HDs and you’re paying me for my time to copy/replicate the HDs." Just be honest, you’re selling ROMs and that disclaimer isn’t legal protection. I also believe that a 20 year old Arcade PCB no longer in production or distribution being emulated isn’t a financial loss for a company that might not actually be in business anymore. Many of the games emulated by TP aren’t actual revenue streams for the developer either. The sale of the original hardware was the revenue stream. In fact, the rise of the emulation scene created a realization for some companies that the "retro" packs / releases was an economic viability. Those retro packs would never have come to market without emulation and companies seeing the potential to monetize the emulation movement. How many of these retro releases do you think use code straight out of MAME without compensation? Do you actually think all the Arcade1up releases use NO MAME code? The MAME emulation code is one of the most stressed tested code bases there is anywhere and it can be commercially used without royalties. In a system like Golden Tee with year after year upgrades that overwrites the previous year, there is a danger that the oldest years can eventually be lost forever. So each of these years should be archived. Time to get down off my soapbox

  7. If I try and go there I get the 403 "forbidden" error 😎 but that would be the last place I need to source ROMs. 😉 I’m guessing the owner lurks on these forums for his source of ROMs 🧐 because this is the first place they show up. Talk about hypocrisy đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł
  8. Either Romcollector is down or they have banned me đŸ€Ș ouch
  9. There was a time when original posters simply stated up front "grab and mirror" and then killed the link in like a day or two. It'd be on Mega and if you didn't grab it, it was gone quickly and most of the time few if anyone ever bothered to mirror it.
  10. charges for ROM collections and tries to charges for downloading various Golden Tee links and other IT games. Why would anyone want to post a link and pay for bandwidth when this guy charges others for the download and then hijacks the link we supply here. Guys like that will end up drying up ROM releases. He distributes the ROMs for profit, we do it for preservation. We’re not making a profit off the effort and don’t want to, but sure as hell we’re not going to let others blatantly profit from these efforts. Eventually all the ROMs will be shared in private and will become harder and harder to find because of guys like RomCollector. Here, let’s return the favor: Go there and download from his links đŸ€Ș At least Golden Tee 2011 was NOT password protected, I tried it.... hahahaha
  11. Seriously, from at least gt2007 through gt2011 (5 sets) jcstahl1 has provided access to a viable / correct ROM set within an hour of being supported by TP
 and people whine and complain about a tiny bit of effort REQUIRED to add the DB? Let’s be happy with what we get and be willing to put forth a little bit of effort to enjoy these fun games. If you can’t say thank you, say nothing and move on. Thanks jcstahl1
  12. So, you have the directory "BepInEx" with doorstop_version, changelog.txt, doorstop_config.ini & winhttp.dll in the same directory as bowling.exe... then inside the BepInEx directory you have the "plugins" directory with the TP dll in that? and it still doesn't work? That's the same exact instructions I followed and I'm able to play on i7 with nVidia 2080 card no problems.
  13. If it crashes, it's 99.99% DB issue....
  14. T = Test mode and it looks like the numpad left / right also work for hook. Also playing around with the game: Pause/Break = Pause But if you set the game to Coin mode, I cannot seem to find a key that works for coins
  15. Hhmmm
 you’ve come through again, thanks jcstahl1 😉
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