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  1. Well, there are 4 INI files, Game.ini, 2 Install.ini (one in the Shell directory & 1 in the pvz directory) and finally Launcher.ini and all have a some "Dicrectory=C:\Sega\" something ... Though in Game.ini it's used twice, once to point to game assets too. so maybe once it's running someone can experiment with making the "C:\" into ".." to see if that will allow for current directory? Who knows, might not be so limiting then? Just a thought as the game specifically forces that directory tree.
  2. We (jcstahl1) and many others are more than willing to help people.... but please... PLEASE do a minimum effort before asking where is the ROM? or how do I do X? The majority of time, these things are already posted just waiting for you to discover it for yourself! There's a small group of people (working diligently behind the scenes) who have and get these things ready for releases and do their best to provide for the community but then it's like a slap in the face when it's provided in the appropriate place and then everywhere else but the appropriate place, people are like "where is it?" Consider the community fortunate that these IT games archives have been so readily available to the public. It took some effort to assemble all the IT archives and get them to the few who would/could spread joy to the community. It's not always been the case when something gets supported that the archive has been set free within minutes / hours. Sometimes it's taken days or weeks... anyone remember Point Blank X and how long that delay was? We should all thank jcstahl1, seems lately he's one of the most generous suppliers of good/correct archive sets. Also he's been decrypting a Unity game or two.... All in good faith and yet we have "snakes" posting patches and add-ons for profit based off of his generosity. It's reprehensible when a bad actor takes advantage of those who wish preserve out of the goodness of their hearts.....
  3. Come on dude, a minimum amount of effort on your part... check the last post here: Seriously... minimum effort...
  4. @connor stop tagging people like Big Denny, what are you like 14? He did his part already, it’s not a protection related issue, the issue is with the 3D graphics. Most likely it’s a shader issue, the 3D stuff is fogged out but 2D graphics are fine. Compare the current graphics to something like Hummer without it’s shader fix. You, like everyone else will just have to wait. You are NOT helping the scene by calling out people for help, especially when you have no idea what you’re talking about. Someone with the skills will address it when they have time.
  5. It’s working now with the latest updates. It does need the wkwin32.dll from the original HD’s Windows/System32 directory. I’m not 100% sure if it also needs wkwin.dll from the Windows directory too. It also uses the old Intel Indeo (I think) video CODEC.
  6. This archive is going to be encrypted and not the same as any future TP playable version. The exe and I think some DLLs are packed/encrypted that can only be unlocked with the game dongle. I only know 2 people with the skills that have access to the needed hardware. While they were working on it, there’s been no more mention of progress. Maybe they cracked it, I don’t know. But it would be a great Christmas gift for us all…. But until then we’ll have to wait to for the "workable" archive to be released. If it wasn’t encrypted, it would already be playable in TP or DemelShooter or some other way.
  7. The I/O program code is inside 2 protected MCUs that would need professional decapping / glitching before they can be dumped. Once dumped, replacement parts can be programmed and they I/O can be restored to fully operational. However, being so rare it’s unknown if the owner is willing to risk it and loan out the chips in the first place. For TP, if the code were to be dumped, it would be best disassemble the 8051 code and HLE it.
  8. Doesn't seem that game.bin is decrypted. It's encrypted just like "game.bina" was in the GT06 Live dump. If you load game.bin with a hex editor, bytes 0x01-0x04 should be "ELF" Here the first byte is 0x64 and then clear plain text (c)2004 and Incredible Technologies Inc. The "64" is the offset of the actual data for the decrypter program. Just thought I would point out you'd still need the decrypted game.bin file later.
  9. If "all" currently dumped and available versions of Jurassic Park are made public, there's a chance a one of the newer of release will also be supported as well. Maybe even a later version that has native support for 1080p.... then maybe 00C0FFEE would take an interest in adding a newer set, who knows, but it has to start with publicly available files for the rest of us. Just a thought
  10. Seems pretty basic, go to your Supermodel directory then to the sub-directory Config and edit Supermodel.ini search for these 2 lines: RefreshRate = 60.000 (towards the top of the file) Throttle=1 (near the bottom of the file) Make sure it's set to 1 and if you're using a frontend make sure it's not sending the "-no-throttle" command. All this info is readily available at: Supermodel/Docs/README.txt at master · trzy/Supermodel · GitHub
  11. stop begging for ROM links... don't ask us, ask google.... seriously spend 2 seconds of effort. BTW: "jules" posted about it on this very page, read up about 13 posts.
  12. Looking at the 3 different partiions: All the files in partition 2 match what's in parition 1 in the directory "/D22" and partition 3 "/UP/JAA" except boot.exe is missing from partition 3 and has the extra file d22050419.svv.bak file. The partition 3 file contains the /SAVE directory and looks like it contains a few useful files like bookkeeping.sav, bookkeeping_playdata.sav, coin_options_sav, game_otpions.sav_ io.sav, ranking.sav & sound_options.sav The olthers might be boot logs???? On partition 1 in the root is "select.exe" which likely selects a specific partition based on the health? Just a guess....
  13. "destArea" is for the copyright regional warning: JA = Japan AA = Asia EA = Europe UA = North & South America KA = Korea CA = China There's no regional copyright warning for Europe and the AA, KA & CA countries run the No e-AMUSEMENT card compatibility in the country. Europe and North & South America gives you the Castleviana The Arcade title screen / logo. Looks like the game also support French & Spanish beside the normal English and Japanese. Though I haven't been able to get far to see evidence of it. Exit with ESC key.
  14. He's talking about ViRuS-MaN and his site. He's a prolific poster and strong supporter of emulation and TeknoParrot. Google virus-man teknoparrot 🤪 Also... many people are willing to be helpful... but please don't be "that guy" and right off the bat ask where do I get this ROM, how do I run that game. Take some time and read through some of the forum posts especially those under TUTO and HELP. Help yourself a little by educating yourself. Not to mention there are a TON of Youtube videos on how to setup specific gams with controls and light-guns. And before you ask about it, you'll need to use a VPN and "connect" from outside of the US to make the most out ViRuS-MaN's site.
  15. This is another Unity based game with the file structure IE: Shooter/Shooter_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll File names, types and general structure are similar to Wild Western Shootout. I know other members here have had luck removing Dongle checks by modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll Let's wait and see if anyone has any luck with that.
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