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Tout ce qui a été posté par vince16

  1. Can anyone reupload trymado's patch that used to be found at please?
  2. Game won't start here. how do I fix the DLL:\Plugins\Release\OpenAL.dlo error???
  3. For some reason the game is now giving me a black screen when I start the race and a window pops up saying "wmn5r.exe disc not found there is no disc in drive\harddisk6" or w/e and it doesn't start, only the music plays.. It didn't do that before... :( Why? What's the problem now? Edit: To be more exact it says: "wmn5r.exe no disc - There is no disc in the drive - Insert disc in drive\Device\Harddisk6\DR6" If I click dismiss or w/e it's called the game sometimes start, but in a window... Any idea, anyone?
  4. vince16


    Thank you for the AMD fix, now I can see the opening live FMV, but when the actual game starts I first get a black screen, and then col. trautman and rambo in slightly messed up polygons and nothing else. There's music but barely any sound effect and they don't move, and the rest of the screen is black. Any idea? PS: my gpu is amd.
  5. I try to run Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Round 2 with Teknoparrot since it's not for patreons only anymore since yesterday, and I get the following during startup (while the gauge fills up): 21-4 First Check Error 22-2 Network Error 2 3-1 I/O Error 1 7-1 Card R/W Disconnect 19-1 System Error Anyone has any idea how to troubleshoot this?
  6. I've downloaded this game, from here (for some reason the games that didn't launch with TP have been taken out, it seems), all 26,5GB, it was long, very long, and now I can't launch it! lol I tried to configure my controls in jconfig, when I press a button jconfig auto-assigns a button that's not the one I want, I tried double-clicking on "game" to launch the game, no dice, on "Onion-Win64-Shipping" no dice... even after moving it to C:/ drive, since apparently you have to for some games. How do you start this game???
  7. Hi everyone, I've been looking for help with this for a couple hours but couldn't find anything online: I installed BlazBlue Central Fiction for NesicaxLive v2.10 a couple hours ago, and since then the controls in most of my TP games either don't respond at all (like in Ultra Street Fighter IV for NesicaxLive) anymore, or they work initially and stop working within a couple minutes (like in Crimzon Clover or Mach Storm and others), when they all worked fine before (except for Battle Fantasia). It's like the game spawned some file that overrides my controls or w/e. I'm using a DualShock 4, and no jconfig. I read here that I probably should but didn't before and it worked and, it just doesn't anymore. It seems to only affect the games in TP, not the rest of the games running on other emulators, thankfully. Anyone has heard of this before? Any help would be tremendously appreciated.
  8. Am I the only one that had some of his Teknoparrot games' controls messed up after launching Blazblue Central Fiction for NESICAxLive? Akai katana shin doesn't respond anymore, in Crimzon Clover I only get control of the game to select my ship and in actual gameplay the controller doesn't respond, etc. Any fix? Or do I just delete Blazblue and everything will return to normal? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Which version of Demulshooter do you recommend I should use please? It's not going to mess up the controls with my other emulators (which are all fine), on an OS level, is it? Is there no other way to do it? Like, some .ini file to alter, like with Supermodel 0.3a?
  10. What I mean simply is: is there any way to shoot using the buttons of my DualShock 4 controller and move the crosshair with the left analog stick, in shooting games like the House of the Dead, Gunblade NY or Rail Chase 2?
  11. Hey, hi, thanks for your reply. I thought about posting in english but saw many messages in french so just assumed it was a french forum. I've got it sorted out, you actually just have to map R2 to "UP" (at the top) and L2 to "DOWN". The only problem then is that you have to let go of the accelerator prior to braking for it to work, but no big deal. I have another problem though, and it is that I enjoy shooting at shooting games like House of the Dead using a PC mouse about as much as I enjoyed pressing UP on the analog stick to accelerate in racers (before I found the solution), and by that I mean: not one bit. Is there any known workaround? Preferably one that doesn't require you to be extremely PC-tech-savvy, as I'm not that person? Thanks in advance.
  12. Salut à tous, Je n'arrive pas à me faire à la jouabilité par défaut dans les jeux de caisse (haut sur le stick analogique gauche pour accélérer et bas pour freiner), donc j'aimerais paramétrer l'émulateur pour accélérer avec R2 et freiner avec L2 ( manette DualShock 4 de la PS4), mais lorsque je vais dans le panneau de configuration des commandes des jeux comme Daytona ou Sega Rally, je peux changer tous les boutons sauf justement l'accélérateur et le frein, que je coche la case en face ou non, lorsque je fais double-clic dessus, ça ouvre un autre petit panneau qui affiche des réglages bizarres, et je peux changer les axes Y et Z par X ou rotation ou je sas pas quoi, mais pas mettre les boutons que je veux (qui semblent être appelés respectivement JOY 1 BUTTON 8 et JOY 1 BUTTON 7). Si quelqu'un pouvait m'apporter son aide, j'apprécierais. J'ai réussi à modifier les commandes comme ça dans Supermodel v.0.3a, l'émulateur du Sega Model 3, mais je ne trouve pas de document semblable ici (feuille de papier avec un rouage) pour en faire de même. Une idée?
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