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Tout ce qui a été posté par Akshuls

  1. Kind of figured. Same thing happen to you?
  2. Here is TechnoMotion 2nd Dance Floor I have no idea if it works, or anything but people are saying this is meant for PC. When i use it it just shows the loading screen then exits with a command Prompt. See if you guys can get it to work. I tested on two PC's with the same results. Use TechnoMotionLoader, NOT TECHMO. Extract Game folder load TechnoMotionLoader.exe see if it works? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A user has gotten it to work! Download : GDrive Link :
  3. Got an issue on my side, the game FULLY works yes. But the notes are a big jittery but still fully playable and not all songs are there. it only has the first two sets like Guitar Hero 3 Console, i used the unlocker and everything but it still doesnt work. its like default Guitar Hero. EDIT : Got the save stuff working. Forgot to delete the save under the documents and all. But now its just a bit jittery and the top of the screen flickers and its set to my resolution.
  4. Do you even have your kinect plugged in..? (to the OP)
  5. What lol
  6. Holy crap, that is a SUPER smart way to play these types of games, but i have a Windows Mixed Reality and im pretty sure it will work the same. Let me know if you got a fix for Time Crisis and i will 100% get this.
  7. I mean, theres also the Omnimix for A20..
  8. Here's the upload for Beatmania IIDX 18. The link contains the HDD, crack and DLC content with extra songs. Copy the contents of the crack zip file into the JDZ folder. After that, extract the contents of the rar file "DLC Songs + Full Unlock" into the JDZ folder, replacing existing files and adding the new ones. Configure the input using config.bat and run the game using bm2dx.bat For anyone interested, the mod must be done to the file bm2dx.dll with a Hex editor. Change every byte to 00 from address EBE88 to EC550, and at address 273A5, replace the existing bytes with B4 03 C3. Notes: *The videos won't show unless you install ffdshow and set MPEG2 to libavcodec. Even then, there's a chance the videos will be missing. If this is the case, you can try installing the following Cyberlink video codec:!cR8BDAyZ!odpWV58BWOmVs6Ahzd6B4TG7CA_7lxCHnHmW38zXAGw Place k-clvsd.dll in a folder, open command prompt with admin rights and type: regsvr32 k-clvsd.dll Link:!cYcyxC5K!PbuIhtd2hXvOzazqCGECTg Enjoy!
  9. The link contains everything required to get the game running: the base game, the Omnimix and Spicetools. Setting up the base game: 1) Extract the contents from the group of archives named "LDJ-2018091900" to any folder or drive. You will end up with a folder named like the archive: LDJ-2018091900 2) Open the archive containing Spicetools. There will be 2 folders inside. Extract the contents of the folder named "64" (the 64bit version of Spicetools) to the "contents" folder of the game (where the file "bm2dx.dll" is). Run spicecfg.exe to set up the keys. NOTE: in the version of Spicetools I included, the keys for TEST an SERVICE are swapped. Remember this when configuring the game later on. 3) Open the archive named "Prop and Dev files" and exctract its contents (a folder named "prop" and another one named "dev") into the "contents" folder of the game (the same folder from the previous step) NOTE: if you want/need to delete your settings and start over, delete the "dev" folder and extract it again from this archive. 4) Inside the "contents" folder, right click on an empty space while holding shift and select "Open command window here". In the command prompt, type the following command and hit enter: spice64 -ea NOTE: if you use a private server, drop the -ea argument. If you want to run the game in window mode, add the -w argument. 5) When the game starts, you will get a camera error. Press TEST to continue (if you have a webcam and you don't get this error, the game recognized it and will try to use it during gameplay). After this you will get a clock error. Again, press TEST to continue. There will be a monitor check and after a few seconds, you will be brought to the main test menu. 6) Go to "Game Option", select "Definition Type" and choose the option that matches your display (most likely, HD). Select "Save and Exit". Just like changing resolution in Windows, the screen will go black and after a few seconds, a message will ask if you want to keep this setting. Select "Yes". 7) On the main menu again, this time go to "Network Options" and then "Shop Name Setting". Input any character you want, go to "Exit" and then "Save and Exit" 8) Now, in the main menu again, go to "Clock" and simply select "Save and Exit". Finally choose "Game Mode" to start the game. The base game will start normally from now on. You will still get the camera error, but you can skip it like the first time or patch the .dll to stop it from showing up (read until the end for steps on how to do it) Setting up the Omnimix: Extract the contents from the group of archives named "BeatmaniaIIDX 25 Omnimix" inside the "contents" folder (where Spicetools is). You will merge the existing "data" folder with the one from the Omnimix. You will also replace the existing "bm2dx.dll" with the one from the Omnimix. After this, start the game the same way as before. Patching the bm2dx.dll file: You can patch the bm2dx.dll file to modify the regular operation of the game by skipping the camera error, increasing the song selection time and other features. To do it, access the following link, go into Beatmania IIDX 25 and drag and drop the bm2dx.dll file: If you use the regular .dll (you are not using Omnimix), just select the features you want and then select "Save DLL". If you use the Omnimix .dll, the patcher will show a message asking to select a version since none of the supported ones match. Select "Force Load" on the one that says "30 of 31 patches matched (96.8%)". After this, just select the features you want and then select "Save DLL". This new file will be downloaded into the download folder set up in your browser. Search your file there and replace with the one from the "contents" folder. Link:!lJ13CKZR!NI-_SrLnF2kQPJJcf_R98Q Enjoy!
  10. All i see is that russian link and im in America.. Getting like 10 kb/s ..
  11. I did that and it just took me to a discussion board about it with no links. Theres that TechnoParrot link for it but its on UpToBox and thats banned in USA. even with VPN speeds are too slow.
  12. Where can you download the actual game? Links are down.
  13. where did you even download it at.
  14. These games dont use .exe use these steps. Get Spicetools as well. Step 1: Download Asphyxia (by mastershakelock: In case your spicetools is not the latest version, which allows you to change parameters in Option tab and generate card number, you can download it from somewhere in this forum Step 2: edit ea3-config.xml, spicetools uses 8080 but Asphyxia uses 8083 <network> <timeout __type="u32">60000</timeout> <sz_xrpc_buf __type="u32">102400</sz_xrpc_buf> <ssl __type="bool">1</ssl> <services __type="str">http://localhost:8083</services> <services_localstrap>http://localhost:8083</services_localstrap> </network> Step 3: run spicecfg.exe and edit like this in Option tab (I also set -eamaint as 0 (off) Step 4: if you have a gamestart.bat/start.bat, edit it to: spice64.exe no any flag since you have already configured all of them in spicecfg.exe Step 4.5: (in case you didnt do it) create card0.txt in your folder, and go to Keypads tab in spicecfg, set the path points to card0.txt, then generate card number When its done, you shouid be able to set your card in card manager by pressing F7 in game Step 5: Run Asphyxia, then run gamestart.bat When you get into the game and 'insert' a card, the game will ask you to enter the access code as well, just simply enter 1234 or other number that you can remember (it seems to ask you this code everytime when you 'insert' your card) Then it will say no record is found and you are able to create a new profile for yourself.
  15. what are you talking about for changing your audio right click your speaker icon on the bottom right Click on Sounds Click on Playback RightClick on your speakers/Headphones Click on Properties. Under Advanced Tab Change to 24bit 44100 Hz (Studio Quality) Apply Or hit ok.
  16. Correct but you arent using butterfly server..and i use 20200203
  17. \contents\data\mdb_apx\movie\background\ddra20_bg_hd \contents\data\mdb_apx\movie\background\ddra20_bg_sd I replaced both and it works.
  18. Man i wish this works for Xbox One Kinect.
  19. Works perfectly fine Set your audio to 24 bit 44100 Studio Quality so you wont have any audio issues.
  20. You guys are really behind arent you.
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