fair play bud just messing i fixxed a T300 to my desk and just unscrew the wheel itsellf for normal PC use and screw it on for drivings
have you got a youtube? i feel like i recognise your name from vids ive watched
when using voodoo I have the track map from the menu fixed over the actual game play. its un-playable.
When not using voodoo The resolution is so bad it makes me feel sick while playing!
3440 1440 ultrawide monitor. Have tried many differnt settings in voodoo but nothing fixes gameplay issue.. the menu looks really nice though lol
where do we put the profile.sav file by reaver, to unlock everyhting?
Also on the subject of getting a newer dump, how do you get a dump from an arcade machine? I might know where a company has a newer MK GP DX cabinet (or 4) with the new tracks