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Tout ce qui a été posté par anerasu
Thanks to this, I was able to get it to function correctly. However, it worked without knowing the cause. As you told me, I started Asphyxia in debug after installing npm, and the timeout that was happening until yesterday no longer happened.
Thanks to the author of the fork for making it. The behavior did not change whether 'unlock all songs' was enabled or disabled. I will put up a capture of the other settings around the connection.
Yes, I am using Plugin Version: fork-
Thanks for letting me know where the tool is! Thanks to you, I no longer get I/O errors in spiceX2. But I'm getting timeouts when communicating with Asphyxia CORE. I'm sure my connection settings are correct, but... I haven't touched the spicecfg connection part in particular. log.txt
If spice2x is used, an exception occurs immediately after startup. log.txt
Can someone help me, I can't apply 120FPS on KFC2023110700. It works at 60FPS, but after applying the <spec __type="str">G</spec> setting, it forcefully terminates when checking "SECURITY" after startup. I am using an older version of spicetool (SpiceX2 did not work well) and Asphyxia Core is up to date. KFC2023042500 is running at 120 FPS. The DLL settings are as shown in the capture.
As far as I can see in the log, "ea3-config.xml" <spec __type="str">G</spec> It looks like it's because " is set to F.
<spec __type = "str"> G </ spec> Is this part?
It works correctly with one monitor, but when two monitors are connected, the sub monitor cannot be displayed. I am using 120hz and 60hz monitors. Is there a way to display the sub monitor? I edited the dll by referring to the past log.
How can I play deleted songs with EG? I placed the songs in a folder and rewrote music.db. I can select a song, but it crashes when it starts.
Has anyone been able to confirm the boot using the Radeon RX 5700 XT EVOKE OC?
Thank you for your reply! What I tried Place d3d9.dll 64bit ver directly under contents Place nvcuda.dll and nvcuvid.dll directly under contents Installation of 32bit and 64bit versions of Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributables Installation of DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) Change spec to G Is there anything else I can do? log.txt
thank you for your reply. However, as a result of having already tried it, it could not be started. Is it correct to use 32-bit or 64-bit when using d3d9.dll?
Thank you for your kind answer. No, I'm using Radeon. I've tried everything in this forum, but I can't start EXCEED GEAR and I can start the 202011500 vivid wave.
When using EXCEED GEAR dll I get the message "soundvoltex.dll'couldn't be loaded" and can't even start it.
I am using KFC-2021060802. The following items are installed or placed in folders. dx2010 june, c ++ ALL in One, d3d9.dll, nvcuda.dll, nvcuvid.dll However, the message soundvoltex.dll'couldn't be loaded is displayed. I tried using soundvoltex.dll of KFC-2020011500 for KFC-2021060802 and it was able to start. (Crash when selecting a song) Does anyone know what to do?
spicecfg.exe was able to start. Does anyone know a solution for the following error message? 'soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: %1 Not a valid Win32 application.'
thank you. I ran it in state 4 or 5, but I got the same error message. Is it the expected behavior that spicecfg.exe, which is included in the following main game data, does not start? https://nyaa.si/view/1397956
It worked for VW, but not this time. Help me. I'm using google translate. 1,I downloaded the main unit data from the following. https://nyaa.si/view/1397956 2,I downloaded the DLL from below and overwrote 'contents'. https://nyaa.si/view/1399619 3,After running asphyxia-core-x64.exe, running spicecfg.exe did not respond. 4,After running spice64.exe, the following message will be displayed and the window will be closed. [2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:time: detected performance counter frequency: 10000000 [2021/08/03 02:50:55] W:options: unable to parse prop/bootstrap.xml [2021/08/03 02:50:55] I:options: using model KFC:J:F:A:2021060802 from prop/ea3-config.xml terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error' what(): filesystem error: Cannot convert character sequence: Illegal byte sequence 5,I diverted spicecfg.exe and spice64.exe from the past and executed them. After that, the following message is displayed. [2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:avs-game: loading DLL soundvoltex.dll [2021/08/03 03:05:27] W:libutils: 'C:\KFC-2021060802\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: %1 は有効な Win32 ア プリケーションではありません。 [2021/08/03 03:05:27] F:libutils: Please check soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine. If the problem still persists, try installing: * Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64) Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g. https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist) * DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) * Running Windows 10 "N"? Grab: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/mediafeaturepack * Running Windows 7 "N"? Grab: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16546 * Still have problems? Find the missing dependency using: http://www.dependencywalker.com/ [2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:launcher: stopping subsystems [2021/08/03 03:05:27] I:logger: stop [2021/08/03 03:05:28] I:rawinput: disposing devices 6,nvcuda.dll, nvcuvid.dll, d3d9.dll are already stored under contents. DXSETUP.exe has been executed after directx_Jun2010_redist.exe has been expanded. Visual studio 2019 is already installed. Mainboard: ASRock Z390 Pro4 CPU: i7-9700KF GPU: MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT EVOKE